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This book is a Chinese English version of The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2020, which is issued by State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China.
By details and examples, this book presents the appalling situation of American human rights with irrefutable facts, and tears off the hypocrisy of American "human rights guard". This book deeply exposes and criticizes that for many years, the United States under the banner of human rights being higher than sovereignty, using human rights as a tool to safeguard its own hegemony, playing with double standards on human rights, ignoring its own serious human rights problems, and criticizing other countries.



The State Council Information Office of China (SCIO) is an administrative office under China's State Council. Established in 1991, it is the chief information office of the Chinese government.

The major function of the SCIO is to propel domestic media further along the path of introducing China to the international community, including China's domestic and foreign policies, the development of the Chinese economy and society, as well as China's history, technology, education and culture. The SCIO also holds press conferences regarding major national policies, and provides books, magazines, films, television programs and other means of communication to introduce China to the world. The SCIO also helps foreign journalists to cover China, as well as carries out exchanges with governments and media outlets from across the globe. Besides, the SCIO encourages Chinese media to cover international news to help the Chinese public learn about the economic, technological, and cultural issues in the world.

The mission of the SCIO is to promote the communication, understanding and trust between China and countries across the world.
On March 24, 2021, State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China issued The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2020, and the full text of report is about 15000 words. The report is divided into seven parts: Preface, Incompetent Pandemic Containment Leads to Tragic Outcome, American Democracy Disorder Triggers Political Chaos, Ethnic minorities devastated by racial discrimination, Continuous Social Unrest Threatens Public Safety, Growing Polarization Between Rich and Poor Aggravates Social Inequality, and Trampling on International Rules Results in Humanitarian Disasters. The report reveals the human rights violations in the United States.
Government inaction led to uncontrolled pandemic spread. “There’s no need for that many to have died. We chose, as a country, to take our foot off the gas pedal. We chose to, and that's the tragedy.” So commented David Hayes-Bautista, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, after the pandemic death toll hit 300,000 in the United States. Disease modelers with the Columbia University also estimated that, if the United States had begun locking down cities and limiting social contact on March 1, 2020, two weeks earlier than most people started staying home, about 83 percent of the nation’s pandemic-related deaths would have been avoided. An editorial from the website of medical journal The Lancet, published on May 17, 2020, commented that the U.S. government was obsessed with magic bullets -- vaccines, new medicines, or a hope that the virus will simply disappear. At the same time, it noted that only a steadfast reliance on basic public health principles, like testing, tracing, and isolation, would see the emergency brought to an end. Even when the pandemic is spreading in a vast area in the United States, the administration was hasty to restart the economy due to political concerns. According to news website Vox on Aug. 11, 2020, in April and May last year, several states rushed to reopen and caused the virus to shift to the South, West and eventually the rest of the United States. In addition, despite that experts had recommended people wear masks in public, the then American leader and some state officials had been extremely reluctant to issue any decree to make wearing masks mandatory.
Foreword 1
序 言 45
I. Incompetent Pandemic Containment Leads to Tragic
Outcome 4
一、疫情严重失控酿成人间悲剧 47
II. American Democracy Disorder Triggers Political Chaos 13
二、美式民主失序引发政治乱象 54
III. Ethnic minorities devastated by racial discrimination 19
三、种族歧视恶化少数族裔处境 58
IV. Continuous Social Unrest Threatens Public Safety 30
四、社会持续动荡威胁公众安全 66
V. Growing Polarization Between Rich and Poor Aggravates
Social Inequality 35
五、贫富日益分化加剧社会不公 70
VI. Trampling on International Rules Results in Humanitarian
Disasters 38
六、践踏国际规则造成人道灾难 72

