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  Seventy-six days elapsed from Wuhan closing its gates on January 23 to the lifting of the lockdown on April 8.
  These 76 days have seen the direct involvement of the central leadership. With national planning, China fought through the hardest of times when cases were surging and the virus was spreading, to a painful peak, and on to domestic stability. Since the first day of the Chinese New Year, the central authorities have not stopped working. They have adopted the strictest measures and laid out overall plans in response to the emergency, with President Xi******* making multiple trips to different regions to offer guidance.
  These 76 days have witnessed the strongest and most thorough control measures across China, The concerted efforts of 1.4 billion people and their sacrifices have powered the country to fend off COVID-19.
  This is a crisis, and also a test, a test without bystanders. Every one of the 1.4 billion Chinese has taken part in this exam.
  So, what has China done?
  "This approach, what we call an 'all-of-government, all-of-society' approach, very old-fashioned, too old in some ways, has prevented at least tens of thousands, but probably hundreds of thousands of cases of COVID-19 in China, which is an extraordinary achievement;' said Dr Aylward.
  This "old-fashioned" method had been adopted by peoples fighting plagues around the world throughout history to control the sources of infection, cut off transmission routes, and protect vulnerable groups. Today, when a country of 1.4 billion people adopts the same method, it shows the decisiveness of the government and the solidarity of the people.
  Dr Aylward noted, "It wasn't easy because what I didn't mention on this slide [of the epidemic curve] is every one of these lines represents a huge decision by policy makers and politicians in this country and leaders to actually change the shape with big measures such as the suspension of travel, the stay-at-home advisories, and other incredibly difficult measures; to make decisions about, but also to get a population to follow. And that's why, again, the role of the individual here in China is so important as well."
  When China has seen a positive trend in epidemic control and its economic and social development is quickly returning to normal, the rest of the world is suffering from complicated and aggravating developments of the epidemic. What can China do for the world?
  What China can give back is not limited to medical supplies, but something more important: the invaluable experience of a month-long fight against the virus by its 1.4 billion people. "The world needs the experience and materials of China to be successful in battling this corona-virus disease. China has the most experience in the world with this disease, and it's the only country to have turned around serious large-scale outbreaks," said Dr Aylward.
  On March 26, China's President Xijinping attended the G20 Extraordinary Leaders' Summit on COVID-19 via video link in Beijing. In his address to the meeting, Xi said, "Major infectious diseases are the common enemy of humanity. As COVID-19 ravages the world, it poses a tremendous threat to people's health and lives and a grave challenge to global public health. The situation is worrying. What is most needed now is confidence, unity and coordination on the part of the international community, and strengthened international cooperation to foster greater synergy so that humanity as one can win the battle against COVID-19."
February 24·Wuhan Begins to "Thaw"
February 25·To Heal, Help, and Comfort
February 26·We Will Await You at Luojia Hill
February 27·Gratitude from Wuhan
February 28·A Special Wedding
February 29·Food, the Secret of Happiness
March 1·We Will Stand Our Ground
March 2·Joining the Party when It Needs Us Most
March 3·We Produce What the People Need
March 4·Beating the Virus with Science and Technology
March 5·Those Braving the Coronavirus Risk
March 6·Appreaating the Sunset
March 7·Lessons from a Loudspeaker
March 8·Her Birth Is the Best Gift
March 9·A Volunteer's Birthday Wish
March 10·Wuhan Will Go Down in History
March 11·Closure of Temporary Treatment Centers
March 12·We Are Here for the Italian People
March 13·Wuhan, I Love You and Wish You Well
March 14·Journalists on the Front Line
March 15·An Online Class Meeting for Medical Students
March 16·Foreigners Are Not Outsiders
March 17·Thank You for Fighting for Our Lives
March 18·The Virus Is Our Common Enemy
March 19·We Have Grown up
March 20·We Are All Brothers and Sisters

Editor's Note

