Terrestrial, epilithic or occasionally epiphytic. Stems erect, prostrate, creeping, ascending, or scandent, branched,producing roots on branching points. Fronds simple, 1-veined (exceptionally forked), bearing ligules in axil onadaxial surface, monomorphic or dimorphic, spirally arranged or in most species arranged in 4 ranks, 2 ranks ondorsal or upper side of stem and branch (called dorsal leaves), other 2 ranks on ventral or lower side (lateral leaves).Sporophylls arranged in 4 ranks, monomorphic or dimorphic, in dorsiventral strobili with dimorphic sporophylls,dorsal (upper) sporophylls of most species larger than ventral (lower) ones, dorsal sporophylls normally green andfirm in texture, while ventral (lower) ones paler and somewhat membranous, or dorsal sporophylls smaller thanventral sporophylls. Sporophylls various, ranging from ovate to ovate-lanceolate, margin denticulate, ciliolate, orentire, apex acute and entire, with ligules distal to sporangia. Sporangia single per sporophyll, heterosporangiate.Spores trilete, tetrahedral-globose, or nearly spheroidal.
1 genus: almost cosmopolitan, with its the highest diversity in the tropics.
1. Selaginella P. Beauv.
Morphological characters and geographic distribution are the same as those of the family.
About 700 species; 3 species in Canary Islands.
1. Leaf margin with soft spiny projections 3. S. selaginoides
1. Leaf margin without soft spiny projections.
2. Leaves no longer than 2.5 mm, margin with densely tiny teeth 1. S. denticulata
2. Leaves up to 4 mm, with toothed margin 2. S. kraussiana
1. Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring, Flora 21(10): 149. 1838.
Lycopodium denticulatum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1106. 1753.
Terrestrial, creeping, ca. 12 cm, flatly mat-forming. Stems very slender, freely branched, 10–20 cm across.Leaves dimorphic, in 4 ranks, spirally arranged, no longer than 2.5 mm, the lower ones larger, ovate, slenderpointed,somewhat asymmetrical, with densely tiny teeth. Strobili at the apex of main stem or branch or lateral tobranchlet, compact.
El Hierro; Gran Canaria; La Gomera; La Palma; Tenerife: Masca. Grows on soils or rocks in humid andshadowy sites. [Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta,Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey].
Selaginella denticulata
2. Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun, Index Seminum (Berlin) 22. 1860.
Lycopodium kraussianum Kunze, Linnaea 18: 114. 1844.
Terrestrial, creeping, 15–45 cm. Rhizophores slender, 5–13 cm, hairless. Stems branched, hairless. Leaves dimorphic, spirally arranged, glabrous, herbaceous, with toothed margin; lateral leaves unsymmetric, ovate-oblong, 2.4–4.0 × 1.2–1.8 mm, apex acute; dorsal leaves unsymmetric, oblong-lanceolate, 2.1–2.8 × 0.6–1.0 mm, base inclined, apex acuminate. Strobili at the apex of main stem or branch or lateral to branchlet, compact, tetragonal, 3–4 × 1 mm; sporophylls monomorphic.
Introduced. El Hierro; Gran Canaria; Tenerife. [Native to Africa; cultivated and escaped in many countries].
3. Selaginella selaginoides (L.) P. Beauv. ex Schrank & Mart., Hort. Reg. Monac. 3. 1829.
Lycopodium selaginoides L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1101. 1753.
Plants on rocks or terrestrial, forming loose to dense mats. Stems not readily fragmenting, tips not upturned; creeping stem filiform, indeterminate, branching dichotomously; upright stem stout, unbranched (3–10 cm aboveground), terminating in simple strobili. Leaves green, lanceolate, 3–4.5 × 0.75–1.2 mm (smaller on horizontal stem, 1/3 less than those on upright stem); abaxial groove absent; base decurrent, forming sac-like structure with stem; margin with soft spiny projections, 0.1–0.2 mm; apex acuminate to subulate. Strobili (1–) 2–3 (–5) cm; sporophylls lanceolate-triangular, 4.5–6 × 1.2–1.5 mm, lacking abaxial ridges.
Introduced. El Hierro. [N America; Eurasia].
1. EQUISETACEAE Yang Dongmei
Plants perennial, terrestrial, aquatic, or in shallow water, with jointed stems. Rhizome creeping, sometimes erect or ascending, blackish brown, branched, with nodes. Aerial stem annual or perennial, erect, monomorphic or dimorphic, green but lower nodes often blackish brown, terete, with nodes, hollow and with longitudinal canals in center, often with silica tubercles on epidermis, unbranched or with whorled branches; internodes with longitudinal ridges and grooves. Leaves reduced, small, scale-like, whorled, fused into sheaths; lower portion fused to form a collar-like sheath around the base of internode; upper portion lobed. Strobili cone-like, terminal on stems or branches, terete or ellipsoid, sometimes stalked. Sporangia sac-like, in whorls on abaxial side of sporophylls. Spores green, subglobose or globose; perispores with granular ornamentation. Gametophytes green, terrestrial, unisexual.
1 genus: cosmopolitan