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第一部分 PartⅠ
  Ⅰ.1 电子显微学基础技术
  Fundamental Techniques of Electron Microscopy
  1. Surface Plasmon Excitation for Supported Metal Particles
  Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley
  Ultramicroscopy, 21 (1987) 77-94.
  简介:等离子体激元的研究在*近这十年来是热点之一,其主要原因是现在可以合成结构可控而量大的纳米材料,因此可以用束斑大的激光来激发。但*早的等离子体激元的研究是在电子显微镜中利用电子能量损失谱(EELS)进行的,因为电子束可以聚焦到0.3 nm直径,可以选择性地激发单个小颗粒。考虑到纳米颗粒不可能悬空,该文章是*次考虑衬底对单个小颗粒的等离子体激元的影响,文中的理论预言得到了很好的实验验证。在1987年纳米颗粒还不叫nanoparticle,而是叫小颗粒(small particle)。因此,在纳米还没有叫“纳米”之前,王中林就在做纳米的研究了。
  ABSTRACT Classical dielectric theory has been used to study the effects of a support on the surface plasmon excitation frequencies for small metal particles. Two experimentally accessible cases have been considered and the theoretical results have been compared with observations. For small spherical Al particles, coated with a thin oxide layer and half-buried in an infinite support of Al, four surface plasmon frequencies (ω1 to ω4) are predicted. Comparison with results for isolated particles and planar interfaces suggests the identification of ω3 as the normal small particle surface plasmon; ω1 and ω2 are generated by the presence of the support and ω4 is related to the oxide shell. The ω2 and ω3 frequencies are observed in accord with the predictions. For the second case considered, the Al support is replaced by a dielectric, AlF3. The support then contributes a new peak at about 5 eV which has been observed. The observations were made with the EELS attachment to a conventional analytical electron microscope.
  2. Size and Shape Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Frequencies for Supported Metal Particle Systems
  Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley
  Ultramicroscopy, 23 (1987) 97-108.
  ABSTRACT The effect of the size and shape of small particles on plasmon excitations has been investigated, as possible indicators for the physical properties of supported metal catalyst particles. The plasmon frequencies of a small metal sphere, which is covered with an oxide shell and is half embedded in some kind of support, arc calculated using hydrodynamic theory as functions of the radius of the particles. The presence of the support introduces new plasmon frequencies. In addition to frequencies close to those for isolated particles, there are three more frequencies if the support is of the same metal as the particle, and one frequency is added if the support is an insulator. All the surface plasmon frequencies show the same type of increase for particle sizes smaller than about 4nm, but the magnitude of the increase varies considerably. Classical dielectric theory has been used to calculate the surface plasmon excitation frequencies for the supported hemispheres. A general formula has been derived and applied to some cases of special geometry, It has been shown theoretically that only, the two neighboring even and odd modes are coupled in the supported hemisphere system. A shift of 3 eV for the surface plasmon for the supported hemisphere metal particle (11 eV) with respect to that in the supported metal sphere particle (8 eV~has been predicted and observed in the specimen AL/AlF3.
  3. Valence Electron Excitations and Plasmon Oscillations in Thin Films, Surfaces, Interfaces and Small Particles
  Z. L. Wang
  Micron, 27 (1996) 265-299; 28 (1997) 505-506.
  ABSTRACT Plasmon oscillation is a collective excitation of electrons in a valence band of a solid material. The motion and polarization of valence electrons under the impact of a fast moving charged particle directly reflect the solid state properties of the material. Oscillations of surface charges depend sensitively on dielectric properties of the material and, more importantly, on the geometrical configuration of the media. The advances of electron microscopy techniques have made it possible to study local excitations from each individual particle smaller than a few manometers in diameter. Dielectric response theory has shown remarkable success in describing the observed valence-loss spectra and resonance modes. This review gives a systematic description on the classical electron energy-loss theory and its applications in characterizing interband transition and plasmon excitations in thin films, surfaces, interfaces, isolated particles and supported particles of different geometrical configurations. These fundamental studies are important for characterizing many advanced nanophase and nanostructured materials of technological importance. This article is focused on quantitative calculation of valence-loss spectra acquired from different geometrical configurations of dielectric objects. The classical energy-loss theory is equivalent to the quantum mechanical theory, provided all the scattered electrons are collected by the spectrometer. The hydrodynamic m
Biography and Summary of Wang’s Achievements
第一部分 Part Ⅰ
Ⅰ.1 电子显微学基础技术Fundamental Techniques of Electron Microscopy
1. Surface Plasmon Excitation for Supported Metal Particles, Ultramicroscopy (1987) 3
2. Size and Shape Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Frequencies for Supported Metal Particle Systems, Ultramicroscopy (1987) 4
3. Valence Electron Excitations and Plasmon Oscillations in Thin Films, Surfaces, Interfaces and Small Particles, Micron (1996) 5
4. Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (REELS): A Technique for the Study of Surfaces,Surface Science (1988) 6
5. Electron Inelastic Plasmon Scattering and its Resonance Propagations at Crystal Surfaces in RHEED,Acta Crystallographica Section A (1989) 7
6. Mapping the Valence States of Transition-Metal Elements Using Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B (1999) 8
7. EELS Analysis of Cation Valence States and Oxygen Vacancies in Magnetic Oxides, Micron (2000) 9
*次提出了利用钴和锰元素的L-edge white line 的强度比率来确定所具有的价态
Ⅰ.2 HAADF STEM成像理论Theory of High-Angle Annular Dark-Field STEM Imaging
1. Simulating High-Angle Annular Dark-Field STEM Images Including Inelastic Thermal Diffuse Scattering, Ultramicroscopy (1989) 10
*次提出晶体中声子的漫散射(热漫散射)是HAADF STEM成像中的主要贡献者
2. Dynamic Theory of High-Angle Annular Dark Field STEM Lattice Images for a Ge/Si Interface, Ultramicroscopy (1990) 11
完善了晶体中声子的漫散射(热漫散射)对HAADF STEM成像中的贡献
Ⅰ.3 电子非弹性散射的基本理论Fundamental Theory of Electron Inelastic Scattering
1. Dynamical Inelastic Scattering in High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Imaging: A New Theoretical Approach, Physical Review B(1990) 12
2. Theory of Phase Correlations in Localized Inelastic Electron Diffraction and Imaging, Ultramicroscopy (1991) 13
3. Dynamics of Thermal Diffuse Scattering in High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Imaging: Theory and Experiments, Philosophical Magazine Part B (1992) 14
4. Thermal Diffuse Scattering in High-Resolution Electron Holography, Ultramicroscopy (1993) 15
5. Statistical Multiple Diffuse Scattering in a Distorted Crystal System: An Exact Theory, Philosophical Magazine Part B (1996) 16
6. Electron Statistical Dynamical Diffuse Scattering in Crystals Containing Short-Range-Order Point Defects, Acta Crystallographica Section A (1996) 17
7. The ‘Frozen Lattice’ Approach for Incoherent Phonon Excitations in Electron Scattering. How Accurate Is It? Acta Crystallographica Section A (1998) 18
8. An Optical Potential Approach to Incoherent Multiple Thermal Diffuse Scattering in Quantitative HRTEM, Ultramicroscopy (1998) 19
9. Phonon Scattering: How Does It Affect the Image Contrast in High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy? Philosophical Magazine Part B (1999) 20
10. Picoscale Science and Nanoscale Engineering by Electron Microscopy, Journal of Electron Microscopy (2011) 21
Ⅰ.4 透射显微镜中的原位测量In-situ Nanomeasurements in TEM
1. Carbon Nanotube Quantum Resistors, Science (1998) 22
2. Electrostatic Deflections and Electromechanical Resonances of Carbon Nanotubes, Science (1999) 23
3. Work Function at the Tips of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters (2001) 24
4. Low-Temperature in situ Large Strain Plasticity of Ceramic SiC Nanowires and its Atomic-Scale Mechanism, Nano Letters (2007) 25
5. Dynamic Fatigue Studies of ZnO Nanowires by in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy, Physica Status Solidi RRL (2009) 26
6. Elastic Property of Vertically Aligned Nanowires, Nano Letters (2005) 27
7. Quantitative Nanoscale Tracking of Oxygen Vacancy Diffusion Inside Single Ceria Grains by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy, Materials Today (2020) 28
Ⅰ.5 纳米材料与ZnO纳米结构Nanomaterials and ZnO Nanostructures
1. Nanobelts of Semiconducting Oxides, Science (2001) 29
2. Single-Crystal Nanorings Formed by Epitaxial Self-Coiling of Polar Nanobelts, Science (2004) 30
3. Large-Scale Hexagonal-Patterned Growth of Aligned ZnO Nanorods for Nano-Optoelectronics and Nanosensor Arrays, Nano Letters (2004) 31

