Chapter 1 Introduction
1.l Concepts and categories of neurology
1.2 Features of neurology and learning goals of medical students
1.3 Practical status and recent trends of neurology
Chapter 2 Anatomy and Physiology of Nervous System and Localization Diagnosis
2.1 Central nervous system
2.2 Cerebral blood circulation of brain and spinal cord
2.3 Cranial nerves
2.4 Peripheral nerve
2.5 Muscle
2.6 Movement system
2.7 Sensory system
2.8 Reflexes
Chapter3 Symptom
3.1 Coma and altered oonsciousness
3.2 Weakness
3.3 Abnormalities of sensation
3.4 Headache
3.5 Dizziness.vertigo
3.6 Disorders of speech and language
3.7 Other disorders of higher cortical function
3.8 Dementia
3.9 Seizures
3.10 Syncope
3.11 Ataxia and gait disorders
3.12 Urinary dysfunction
Chapter 4 History and Examination
4.1 History taking
4.2 Examination
4.3 Speech and higher function
4.4 The eyes and visual system
4.5 Fundoscopy
4.6 Cranial nerves
4.7 Limbs:motor
4.8 Limbs:reflexes and sensation
4.9 Gait.coordination and abnormal movements
Chapter5 Investigative Studies
5.1 Overview
5.2 Lumbar puncture and the test of cerebrospinal fluid
5.3 Imaging techniques of the skull.brain and spine
5.4 Electrophysiologic studies
5.5 Ultrasonography
5.6 Biopsies
5.7 Gene diagnosis
Chapter 6 Vertigo
6.1 Dizziness and veigo
6.2 Benign paroxysmal positional ve~igo
Chapter 7 Headache
7.1 Overview
7.2 Migraine
7.3 Tension type headache
7.4 Cluster headache
7.5 Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure
7.6 Medication overuse headache
Chapter 8 Cerebrovascular Disease
8.1 Ischemic stroke
8.2 Transient ischemic attack
8.3 Intracerebral hemorrhage
8.4 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
8.5 Other arterv diseases
Chapter 9 Neu rodegeneratiVe Disease
9.1 Alzheimer’s disease
9.2 Parkinson’s disease
Chapter 10 Infectious Central Nervous System——related Diseases
10.1 Bacterial infections of the central nervous system
10.2 Viral infections of the nervous system
10.3 Fungal infections of the nervous system
10.4 Prion disease
10.5 Spirochete infections
10.6 Parasitic infections of the nervous system
Chapter 11 Autoil”mune Diseases of the Central Nervous System
11. Muhiple sclerosis
11.2 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
l1.3 Antibody associated central nervous system disorders
Chapter 12 Movement Disorders
12.1 overview
1 2.2 Parkinson’S disease and other extrapyramidal dyskinesia
12.3 Wilson’S disease
12.4 Sydenham’S chorea
12.5 Huntington disease
12.6 Dystonia
12.7 Dopa—responsive dystonia
12.8 Other dyskinesia
Chapter 13 Epilepsy
13.1 overview
13.2 Classification of epilepsy and epilepsy syndromes
13.3 Clinical findings
13.4 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis
13.5 Treatment
13.6 Status epilepsy
Chapter 14 Diseases of the Spinal Cord
14.1 Common myelopathy
14.2 Other myelopathy
Chapter 15 Diseases of Peripheral Nerve
15.1 Cranial neuropathy
15 2 Spinal neuropathy
Chapter 16 Autonomic Nervotl8 System Diseases
16,Raynaud disease
16.2 Erythromelalgia
16.3 Facial hemiatrophy
16.4 Other autonomic nervous system disease
Chapter 17 Neuromuscular Junction Diseases and Neu romuscular Disorders
17.1 Myasthenia gravis
17.2 Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
17.3 Periodic paralysis
Chapter 18 Genetic Disease of the Nervous System
18.1 Hereditary ataxia
18.2 Hereditary spastic paraplegia
18.3 Chareot—Marie—Tooth disease
18.4 Neurocutaneous syndrome
Chapter 19 Developmental Diseases of the Nervous System
19.1 ovexview
19.2 Neurologic disorders associated with craniospinal deformities
19.3 Cerebral palsy
Chapter 20 Sleep Disorders
20.1 0verview
20.2 Insomnia
20.3 Sleep related br