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2020 年的新冠肺炎疫情给中国消费带来严重冲击。 在这个背景下, 未来5~10 年中国消费的增长趋势如何? 消费结构将发生哪些重要变化? 消费在构建双循环新发展格局中扮演何种角色? 全面促进消费面临着哪些结构性矛盾和改革任务? 对此, 结合以往的研究, 适应新发展阶段的需求,我院以«中国消费» 为主题形成2020—2021 年度改革研究报告, 对上述问题做出研究分析并提出相关的政策性建议。

The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 produced a severe impact on consumption in China. In this context, what will be the growth trend of consumption in China in the coming 5 to 10 years? What important changes will take place in the consumption structure? What role will consumption play in building a new development paradigm of dual circulation? What structural contradictions and reform tasks do we face in comprehensively promoting consumption? In this regard, combined with previous researches and to meet the needs of the new development phase, CIRD completed the reform research report of 2020-2021 with China Consumption as the theme to made research and analysis on the above issues and put forward relevant policy-oriented suggestions.


Foreword / 1

Overview China in the New Era of Consumption / 5

I. Main Trend in the New Era of Consumption / 6

II. Consumption Upgrading Promoting High-Quality Development / 9

III. Promote Structural Reform in the Context of Consumption-Oriented 

Transformation / 12

Chapter 1 The World’s Largest Consumer Market / 21

Section 1 Enter the New Era of Consumption / 22

I. Continual Expansion of Consumption Scale / 22

II. Overall Rapid Growth of New Forms of Consumption / 31

III. Formation of New Consumer Groups / 37

IV. Popularization of New Consumption Concepts / 40

V. Impetus for Entering the New Era of Consumption / 44

Section 2 Consumption under the Impact of Pandemic / 48

I. 2020: Consumption Was Seriously Impacted by the Pandemic / 48

II. Pandemic Has not Changed the Long-Term Growth Trend of 

Consumption / 52

Section 3 14th Five-Year Plan: Consumption Will Maintain Fairly 

Rapid Growth / 55

I. Continual Growth of Consumer Market / 55

II. Consumption Standard Keeps on Rising / 58

III. China Will Become the World’s Largest Consumer Market / 60

Chapter 2 Cities Drive Consumption / 69

Section 1 Integration of Urbanization with Consumption 

Upgrading / 70

I. Consumption Upgrading and Urbanization / 70

II. Urbanization Drives Consumption Upgrading / 72

III. Consumption Function and Consumption Bearing Capacity Influence the 

Competitiveness of Cities / 76

IV. Cities in China Strive to Foster New Forms of Consumption / 80

Section 2 Growth Space for Consumption in Urbanization / 84

I. Urbanization Is Still in Accelerated Development / 84

II. Urbanization Brings Huge Consumption and Investment Demands / 87

III. Urbanization Produces Huge Scale Effect of Public Consumption / 91

IV. Continuous Release of Consumption Demands Triggered by 

Urbanization / 94

Section 3 Big Cities and Metropolitan Areas Become 

Consumption Centers / 96

I. New Trend of Population Gathering in Central Cities and City Clusters / 97

II. Metropolitan Areas Become a Windvane Leading Consumption 

Upgrading / 100

III. Regional Integration Pushes the Development of Regional Consumption 

Center Cities / 104

Section 4 International Influence of Urbanization and 

Consumption Upgrading / 107

I. An Emerging Power in Pursuit of International Quality for Commodities and 

Services / 107

II. Rising of International Consumption Center Cities / 111

III. Important Influence on Regional Economy and World Economy / 114

Chapter 3 Promote Rural Consumption in All Aspects / 122

Section 1 Rural Area Is a Big Consumer Market / 123

I. A Massive Rural Population in China / 123

II. Income Level of Rural Residents Keeps on Rising / 126

III. Rural Area Is a Growing Big Consumer Market / 132

Section 2 Silent Changes in Rural Consumption / 136

I. Upgrading of Durable Consumer Goods for Rural Residents / 136

II. Rapid Growing of Public Consumption Demands of Rural Residents / 140

III. Fairly Rapid Growth of New Types of Consumption of Rural Residents / 143

Section 3 Promote New Types of Rural Consumption in All 

Aspects / 148

I. Provide Important Conditions for the Overall Development of New Types of 

Rural Consumption by Sending Elements to Rural Areas / 148

II. Promote New Types of Rural Consumption with Integrated Development 

of Industries / 152

III. Promote the Development of Green Agriculture with Green Consumption 

/ 155

IV. Push the Development of Intelligent Agriculture with Digital Consumption 

/ 160

Chapter 4 Consumption Gives Rise to Industrial 

Transformation / 166

Section 1 Benign Interaction of Consumption Structure 

Upgrading with Industrial Structure Transformation / 167

I. Upgrading of Industrial Structure Is Accompanied by Evolution of 

Consumption Structure / 167

II. The New Trend of Service-Oriented Consumption Gives Rise to New 

Forms in the Development of Service Industry / 171

III. 2025: Service Industry Will Account for about 60% / 173

Section 2 Consumption Structure Upgrading Will Promote 

Scientific and Technological Transformation / 177

I. The Upgrading of Consumption Structure Provides an Application Market 

for Technological Transformation / 177

II. Modern Information Technology Accelerates Digital Transformation of 

Industries / 183

III. Reshape the Core Competitiveness of Industries / 188

IV. Seize the First Change of the New Round of Global Industrial Revolution 

with Intelligent Manufacturing / 192

Section 3 Green Consumption Promotes the Development of 

Green Industries / 195

I. Green Consumption Promotes the Green Transformation of Traditional 

Industries / 196

II. Speed up the Process of New Energy Revolution / 200

III. Green Consumption Pushes China to Achieve Peak Carbon Dioxide 

Emissions and Carbon Neutrality / 205

Chapter 5 China’s Consumption: Significantly Positive 

to the World’s Economic Growth / 212

Section 1 The World’s Largest Services Market and Trader of 

Services / 213

I. China Will Become the World’s Largest Services Market / 213

II. Development Trend of the Service Trade / 216

III. High-Quality Development of the Service Trade / 222

IV. 2035: China Will Become the World’s Largest Trader in Services / 228

Section 2 Hainan Free Trade Port: Create the World’s Largest 

Duty-Free Shopping Base / 231

I. Creating the World’s Largest Duty-Free Shopping Base as an Important 

Goal / 231

II. China International Consumer Products Expo: A New Platform for the 

World to Share the Consumption by 1.4 Billion People in China / 234

III. Improving the Duty-Free Shopping Service System Through the China 

International Consumer Products Expo / 238

Section 3 Institutional Opening-Up in the Context of 

Consumption-Oriented Transformation / 241

I. Push Forward High-Level Institutional Opening-Up Process / 241

II. Institutional Opening-Up Forced by the Consumption-Oriented 

Transformation / 246

III. Push Forward Major Tasks of Consumption-Oriented Transformation with 

Institutional Opening-Up / 249

IV. Push Forward the In-Depth Integration of China Market with World 

Market with Institutional Opening-Up / 254


