Mencius said,“Benevolence is the distinguishing characteristic of man.As embodied in man's conduct,it is called the path of duty。”
Mencius said,“let a man not do what his own sense of righteousness tells him not to do,and let him not desire what his sense of righteousness tells him not to desire;to act thus is all he has to do."
梁惠王上 King Hui of Liang I
梁惠王下 King Hui of Liang II
公孙丑上 Gong Sun Chou I
公孙丑下 Gong Sun Chou II
滕文公上 Teng Wen Gong I
滕文公下 Teng Wen Gong II
离娄上 Li Lou I
离娄下 Li Lou II
万章上 Wang Zhang I
万章下 Wang Zhang II
告子上 Gaozi I
告子下 Gaozi II
尽心上 Jin Xin I
尽心下 Jin Xin II