图形计算器是IBDP和AP数学测试过程中必备的工具。本书出版的目的在于聚焦问题,帮助对图形计算器不熟悉的教师和学生快速地上手、熟悉乃至熟练运用图形计算器。本书详细参考了IBDP数学大纲,包括2021年第一次考试的Mathematics: applications and interpretation以及Mathematics: analysis and approaches的新大纲,也详细参考了AP Calculus和Statistics的大纲,充分考虑了每个知识点的计算器应用,并以例题的形式展示图形计算器操作。本书采取的结构为划分板块—提出概念—讲解例题—实际操作—总结回顾。相信跟着书本走的学生会对什么情况下使用图形计算器和怎样使用图形计算器有一个清晰的概念。
Introduction / 1
Algebra / 1
1.1 Operations with numbers / 1
1.2 Sequences and series / 3
1.3 Binomial expansion / 10
1.4 Complex number / 11
Module one exercises / 14
2. Functions and equations / 16
2.1 Evaluation and determination / 16
2.2 Discussion of the properties of a function by its graph / 25
2.3 Solving the equations and inequalities by graphing / 40
2.4 Sketching the special functions / 59
2.5 Transforming the functions / 86
2.6 Other forms of the functions or relations / 89
Module two exercises / 96
3. Trigonometry and geometry / 99
3.1 Solutions of triangles and circles / 99
3.2 Trigonometric functions and equations / 109
3.3 Points and vectors / 133
3.4 Angles,areas and distances / 139
3.5 Lines and planes / 142
3.6 Intersections and matrices / 146
Module three exercises / 155
Probabilities and statistics / 160
4.1 Statistics / 160
4.2 Regression / 163
4.3 Probability distributions / 167
4.4 Conf idence intervals for means / 174
4.5 Hypothesis test / 177
4.6 The chi-squared distribution / 181
Module four exercises / 185
Calculus / 190
5.1 Equation of the tangent or the normal / 190
5.2 Local extrema and point of inf lection(inf lexion) / 201
5.3 Def inite integral / 206
5.4 Area of the region enclosed / 211
5.5 Volume of revolution about the x-axis or y-axis / 216
5.6 Kinematics / 220
5.7 Related rate of change / 226
5.8 Limits and continuity / 227
5.9 Differential equations / 235
Module f ive exercises / 239
Answers / 243