1 Introduction
1.1 Concept of Size Effect
1.2 Source of Size Effect
1.3 Size Effect Laws
1.3.1 Static Size Effect of Concrete Materials
1.3.2 Dynamic Size Effect of Concrete Materials
1.3.3 Size Effect of Concrete Members
1.4 Scope
2 Concrete on the Meso-level
2.1 Coarse Aggregate Particles
2.2 Mortar Matrix
2.3 Interfacial Transitional Zone (ITZ)
3 Methodology: Meso-Scale Simulation Approach
3.1 Mesoscopic Numerical Methods
3.1.1 Lattice Model
3.1.2 Stochastic Mechanical Property Model
3.1.3 Random Particle Model
3.1.4 Rigid Body-Spring Model
3.1.5 Random Aggregate Model
3.1.6 Mesoscopic Element Equivalence Method
3.1.7 Other Numerical Methods
3.2 Geometric Model
3.2.1 Random Aggregate Model of Concrete
3.2.2 Steel Rebar
3.2.3 FRP Sheet
3.2.4 Steel Tube
3.3 Material Model
3.3.1 Damaged Plasticity Model
3.3.2 Elastoplastic Model
3.3.3 Elastic-Brittle Model
3.4 Strain Rate Effect
3.4.1 Code Recommendations
3.4.2 Hao Hong's Model
3.5 Interaction Model
3.5.1 Node-to-Node Interaction Model
3.5.2 Surface-to-Surface Contact Model
3.6 Validation of Simulation Method
3.6.1 Material
3.6.2 Beam
3.6.3 Column
3.6.4 Beam-to-Column Joint
3.7 Summary
4 Static Size Effect in Concrete Materials
4.1 Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.1.1 Morphological Material Model for Concrete
4.1.2 Multi-grade Analysis Method for Cementitious
4.1.3 Validation and Analysis
4.2 Splitting-Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.2.1 Experimental Analysis
4.2.2 Numerical Analysis
4.3 Flexural-Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.3.1 Experimental Analysis
4.3.2 Numerical Analysis
4.4 Compressive Strength of Concrete Materials
4.4.1 Size Effect of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
4.4.2 Size Effect on Bi-axial Compressive Behavior
4.5 Novel Size Effect Law Considering MAS
4.6 Summary
5 Dynamic Size Effect in Concrete Materials
5.1 Dynamic Size Effect on Splitting-Tensile Strength
5.1.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.1.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.2 Dynamic Size Effect on Tensile Strength
5.2.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.2.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.3 Dynamic Size Effect on Compressive Strength
5.3.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.3.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.4 Influence of Meso-Structure
5.4.1 Influence of Aggregate Content
5.4.2 Influence of Maximum Aggregate Size
5.4.3 Influence of Aggregate Type
5.5 Influence of Initial Loads
5.5.1 Dynamic Compressive Failure
5.5.2 Dynamic Size Effect
5.6 Static-Dynamic Unified Size Effect Law
5.6.1 Basic Assumptions
5.6.2 Dynamic Size Effect Law for Concrete
5.6.3 Validation of the Theoretical Formula
5.7 Summary
6 Size Effect in Shear and Flexure Failure of Concrete Beams
6.1 Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups
6.1.1 Failure of Ordinary Concrete Beam
6.1.2 Failure of Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete Beams
6.2 Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Stirrups
6.2.1 Seismic Tests on Shear Failure of RC Beams
6.2.2 Simulations on Shear Failure of RC Beams
6.3 Shear Failure in CFRP-Wrapped Concrete Beams
6.3.1 CFRP-Strengthened Ordinary Concrete Beams
6.3.2 CFRP-Strengthened Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete
6.4 Flexural Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams
6.4.1 Seismic Tests on Flexural Failure of RC Beams
6.4.2 Simulations on Flexural Failure of RC Beams
6.5 Size Effect Law for Shear Failure in Concrete Beams
6.5.1 Basic Assumptions
6.5.2 Size Effect Law for Shear Strength
6.5.3 Validation of the Theoretical Formula
6.6 S