第一篇 综述
Chapter 1 Review
1-1 国家统计局广西调查总队概况
Summary of Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Guangxi
1-2 图说民生
Illustrations of the People's Livelihood
第二篇 人民生活
Chapter 2 People's Livelihood
Brief Introduction
2-1 城镇居民人均收支及恩格尔系数(1980一2018年)
Per Capita Incone and Expenditure & Engle's Coefficient of Urban Households (1980-2018)
2-2 城镇居民家庭基本情况
Basic Conditions of Urban Households
2-3 城镇居民人均收入与支出
Per Capita Disposable Incone and Consuaption Expenditure of Urban Households
2-4 城镇居民人均现金收入与支出
Per Capita Cash Ineome and sxpenditure of Urban Househslds
2-5 城镇居民人均消费支出
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
2-6 城镇居民人均现金消费支出
Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
2-7 城镇居民人均主要食品消费量
Per Capita Consumption of Major Fods of Urban Hlouseholds
2-8 城镇居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量
Main Durable Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households
2-9 农村居民人均收支及恩格尔系数(1980一2018年)
Per Capita Income and Expenditure & Engle's Coefficient of Rural Houscholds (1980——2018)
2-10 农村居民家庭基本情况
Basic Conditions of Rural Households
2-11 农村居民人均收入与支出
Per capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure of Rural Htouseholds
2-12 农村居民人均现金收入与支出
Per Capita Cash Income and Expenditure of Rural Households
2-13 农村居民人均消费支出
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
第三篇 农村贫困监测
第四篇 价格调查
第五篇 农业生产
第六篇 分析资料