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  • 作      者:
  • 译      者:
    李铁军 黄慧萍
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李铁军,1984年毕业于武汉大学口腔医学院,1987年获 武汉大学口腔病理学硕士学位,1995年获英国伯明翰大学牙 学院博士学位,1995—1998年赴日本鹿儿岛大学齿学部从事 博士后研究。现任北京大学口腔医学院副院长,教授、博士 生导师。兼任中华口腔医学会常务理事、口腔生物医学专业 委员会主任委员、口腔病理学专业委员会副主任委员、口腔 医学教育专委会副主任委员等职。李铁军教授业余爱好摄影, 是中国摄影家协会会员,先后出版《生命之美》、《显微镜 下生命的奥秘与遐想》(与彭志翔合著)和《寻境》等有关 显微摄影的艺术画册和人文专著。在国内外大学和艺术博物 馆举办数次个人影展,其显微摄影作品在多种摄影专业期刊 和媒体上发表。
黄慧萍,现任北京大学口腔医院正畸科护士长,副主任 护师,本科学历。专业特长:正畸护理与口腔健康管理,先 后发表学术论文12篇,参编护理专著6部。1992—1998年 随丈夫赴英国和日本学习、工作期间,在英国伯明翰 Chaplin 语言学校学习英语并获英语中级资格证书,在日本鹿儿岛 Akazika 学院学习日语并获外国人日语能力考试一级证书。
著名哲学家弗朗西斯•培根曾经说过:幸运的机会好像银河, 它们作为个体是不显眼的,但作为整体却光辉灿烂。很庆幸,我们赶上了一个必将载入中华和世界历史的伟大变革时代。个人、 亲人和友人的生命故事,能有幸编入属于这个年代集体记忆的雨后彩虹,就像生命微尘中所蕴藏的大千之美,得以诠释生命哲理中苦难与幸福的非凡境遇。
序 /一身丹青,万古精魂/彭志翔......13
Preface: The picturesque body, the eternal soul / Peng Zhixiang......13
黄河之水 /未脱钙骨及纤维组织磨片......30
Yellow river water / Bone and fibrous tissues, Grounding tissue section
日出 /骨髓组织切片......34
Sunrise / Sponge bone, Tissue section
半个月亮升上来 /未脱钙牙釉质磨片的局部镜像 ......38
Rising moon / Mirror image of part of enamel, Grounding tissue section
日丽 /牙龈黏膜组织切片......42
Sunny day / Gingival mucosa, Tissue section
夜未央 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......46
Long night / Cortical bone tissues, Grounding tissue section 春雨 /灌墨血管组织切片 ......50
Spring rain / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
水中花 /软骨组织切片......54
Floating petals / Cartilage, Tissue section
紫雨 /牙髓组织切片......58
Purple rain / Dental pulp, Tissue section
春绿 /灌墨血管组织切片 ......62
Spring green / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
一束玫瑰 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......66
A bunch of roses / Cortical bone, Grounding section
荷影 /关节盘软骨组织切片 ......70
Impression of lotus / Articular cartilage, Tissue section
狐仙 /牙齿磨片局部的镜像 ......74
Fox fairy / Mirror image of part of dentin section
雨季 /灌墨血管组织切片......78
Rainy season / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
夏花 /脱钙骨关节组织切片......82
Summer flowers / Bone joint, Tissue section
小桥旁边 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......86
By a small bridge / Cortical bone, Grounding tissue section
流过 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......90
Running through / Alveolar bone, Grounding tissue section
星空 No.2 /骨和肌肉组织切片与封片胶交界处......94
Starry sky No.2 / Tissue section of bone and muscle, junction with the sealing gel
水墨山水 /银染肌肉组织切片......98
Water-ink landscape painting / Striated muscle, Tissue section
流逝 /灌墨血管组织切片......102
Passing / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
花非花 /发育中软骨组织切片......106
A flower or not a flower / Developing cartilage, Tissue section
舞 /脱钙骨组织切片......110
Dancing / Trabecular bone, Tissue section
禅意 /灌墨血管组织切片......114
Zen Buddhism / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
石佛 /未脱钙骨组织硬组织切片......118
Stone Buddha / Cortical bone, Grounding tissue section
暗香 /软骨组织切片......122
Faint fragrance / Cartilage, Tissue section
飞光 /脱钙骨组织切片,松质骨小梁......126
Flying light / Trabecular bone, Tissue section
树 /未脱钙关节骨与软骨组织磨片......130
Tree / Bone and cartilage, Grounding tissue section
雨后 /未脱钙骨组织切片......134
After the rain / Cortical bone, Tissue section
瀑 /肌肉组织切片......138
Waterfall / Striated muscle, Tissue section
白天不懂夜的黑 /脱钙骨组织切片......142
The day never knows the darkness of night / Sponge bone, Tissue section
钧瓷窑变 /未脱钙皮质骨组织磨片......146
Kiln change of Jun porcelain / Cortical bone, Grounding tissue section
夏日 / 横纹肌组织切片......150
Summer sunshine / Striated muscle, Tissue section
水墨 No.1/灌墨血管组织切片......154
Water ink No. 1 / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
流星雨 No.3 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......158
Meteor shower No.3 / Cortical bone tissues, Grounding tissue section
日当午 /未脱钙骨组织及周围软组织磨片......162
The Noon / Cortical bone and soft tissue, Grounding tissue section
墙外的夜 /未脱钙骨组织及周围软组织和封片胶磨片......166
Night outside the wall / Cortical bone and soft tissue and sealing gel, Grounding tissue section
转身 /关节软骨组织切片......170
Turning / Articular cartilage, Tissue section
幻影(婵娟)/ 鼻腔黏膜上皮组织切片......174
Mirage (Moon) / Nasal mucosa, Tissue section
浮萍 /灌墨血管和肌肉组织切片......178
The floating green / Ink-irrigated blood vessels and muscles, Tissue section
雷雨夜 /未脱钙牙磨片,牙冠部牙釉质—牙本质界......182
Thundery night / Enamel and dentin, Grounding section of tooth
入夜 /口腔黏膜上皮组织切片......186
Entering the night / Oral mucosa, Tissue section
凝固的时间 No.3 /脱钙骨组织切片......190
Time of solidification No.3 / Cortical bone, Tissue section
云衣裳 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......194
Jade cloud / Cortical bone tissues, Grounding tissue section
金色果园 /灌墨血管组织切片......198
Golden orchard / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
雨后山色 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......202
Mountain color after rain / Cortical bone tissues, Grounding tissue section
秋色 /灌墨血管组织切片......206
Autumn color / Ink-irrigated blood vessels, Tissue section
秋意图 /银染肌肉组织切片......210
Autumn picture / Striated muscle, Tissue section
橘子洲头 /肌肉及纤维组织磨片......214
Orange Isle / Muscle and fibrous tissues, Grounding tissue section
秋林 /灌墨血管及肌肉组织切片......218
Autumn trees / Ink-irrigated blood vessels and muscles, Tissue section
秋色漫山 /未脱钙骨及肌肉组织磨片......222
Autumn painted mountains / Bone and muscles, Grounding tissue section
荒原 /牙根部牙骨质和牙本质磨片......226
Wilderness / Cementum and dentin of the root, Grounding section of the tooth
黄土余晖 /未脱钙骨周围纤维及肌肉组织磨片......230
Afterglow on the yellow earth / Fibrous and muscle tissues surrounding the bone, Grounding tissue section
空山 /未脱钙骨关节组织磨片,骨与覆盖表面的软骨以及周围的封片胶......234
Empty mountain / Bone and surface covered cartilage with sealing gel, Grounding tissue section
过客 /横纹肌和脂肪组织切片......238
Passer-by / Muscle and lipid, Tissue section
风雪 /发育中软骨组织切片......242
Windy snow / Developing cartilage, Tissue section
雪原 /未脱钙骨组织与人工填料磨片......246
Snowfield / Bone tissue with implanted materials, Grounding tissue section
寒枝 /未脱钙骨组织磨片......250
Winter branches / Trabecular bone, Grounding section
雪夜 /脱钙骨组织与肌肉组织切片......254
Snowy night / Cortical bone and muscles, Tissue section
寒山 /未脱钙牙磨片,牙冠部牙釉质—牙本质交界处......258
Cold mountain / Enamel and dentin junction, Grounding section of tooth
山雪 /未脱钙骨周围纤维组织磨片......262
Mountain snow / Fibrous tissues surrounding the bone, Grounding section
江山多娇 /脱钙骨组织切片 ......266
Beautiful landscape / Trabecular bone, Tissue section
后记 / 生命,与诗同行 /李铁军......272
Postscript: Life as poetry when time goes by / Li Tiejun

