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先进电子封装技术与关键材料丛书--TSV 3D RF Integration:HR-Si Int
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三维射频集成应用是硅通孔(TSV)三维集成技术重要应用发展方向。随着5G与毫米波应用的兴起,基于高阻硅TSV晶圆级封装的FBAR器件、RF MEMS开关器件、基于TGV的滤波器等逐渐实现商业化应用,TSV三维异质射频集成逐渐成为先进电子信息装备领域工程化应用的关键技术。
1. 本书全面阐述面向三维射频异质集成应用的高阻硅TSV转接板技术,包括设计、工艺、电学特性评估与优化等研究,从TSV、CPW等基本单元结构入手,到IPD元件以及集成样机,探讨金属化对高频特性的影响规律;
2. 展示基于高阻硅TSV的集成电感、微带交指滤波器、天线等IPD元件;
3. 详细介绍了2.5D集成四通道L波段接收组件、5-10GHz信道化变频接收机、集成微流道散热的2-6GHz GaN PA 模块等研究案例。
4. 本书也系统综述了高阻硅TSV三维射频集成技术的国内外研究进展,并做了详细的对比分析与归纳总结。
5. 本书兼顾深度的同时,力求从较为全面的视角,为本领域研究人员提供启发思路,以助力我国在TSV三维射频异质集成技术研究的发展进步。
Preface by Yufeng Jin ix

Preface by Shenglin Ma xi

Acknowledgments xv

About the authors xvii

1 Introduction to HR-Si interposer technology 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 3D RF heterogeneous integration scheme 2
1.3 HR-Si interposer technology 7
1.4 TGV interposer technology 16
1.5 Summary 23
1.6 Main work of this book 24
References 25

2 Design, process, and electrical verification of HR-Si interposer for 3D heterogeneous RF integration 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Design and fabrication process of HR-Si TSV interposer 31
2.3 Design and analysis of RF transmission structure built on HR-Si TSV interposer 38
2.4 Research on HR-Si TSV interposer fabrication process 43
2.4.1 Double-sided deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) to open HR-Si TSV 43
2.4.2 Thermal oxidation to form firm insulation layer 44
2.4.3 Patterned Cu electroplating to achieve metallization and establish RDL layer 45
2.4.4 Electroless nickel electroless palladium immersion gold (ENEPIG) 54
2.4.5 Surface passivation 54
2.5 Electrical characteristics analysis of transmission structure on HR-Si TSV interposer 55
2.6 Conclusion 61
References 63

3 Design, verification, and optimization of novel 3D RF TSV based on HR-Si interposer 65
3.1 Introduction 65
3.2 HR-Si TSV-based coaxial-like transmission structure 69
3.3 Redundant RF TSV transmission structure 70
3.4 Sample processing and test result analysis 72
3.5 Optimization of HR-Si TSV interposer 83
3.6 Conclusion 90
References 93

4 HR-Si TSV integrated inductor 95
4.1 Introduction 95
4.2 HR-Si TSV interposer integrated planar inductor 96
4.3 Research on 3D inductor based on HR-Si interposer 113
4.4 Summary 123
References 123

5 Verification of 2.5D/3D heterogeneous RF integration of HR-Si interposer 125
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Four-channel 2.5D heterogeneous integrated L-band receiver 126
5.3 3D heterogeneous integrated channelized frequency conversion receiver based on HR-Si interposer 132
5.3.1 HR-Si interposer integrated microstrip interdigital filter 134
5.3.2 Design, fabrication, and test of HR-Si interposer 142
5.3.3 3D heterogeneous integrated assembly and test 145
5.4 Conclusions 150
References 151

6 HR-Si interposer embedded microchannel 153
6.1 Introduction 153
6.2 Design of a HR-Si interposer embedded microchannel 158
6.3 Thermal characteristics analy sis of a TSV interposer embedded microchannel 161
6.3.1 Simplified calculation based on a variable diffusion angle 162
6.3.2 Direct calculation based on analytical formula 163
6.3.3 A fitting formula based on simulation results 164
6.3.4 Equivalent thermal resistance network based on the high thermal conductivity path 164
6.4 Process development of a TSV interposer embedded microchannel 172
6.5 Characterization of cooling capacity of HR-Si interposer with an embedded microchannel 176
6.6 Evaluation of HR-Si interposer embedded with a cooling microchannel 178
6.7 Application verification of HR-Si interposer embedded with microchannel 188
6.8 Conclusions 191
References 192

7 Patch antenna in stacked HR-Si interposers 197
7.1 Introduction 197
7.2 Theoretical basis of patch antenna 200
7.3 Design of a patch antenna in stacked HR-Si interposers 200
7.4 Processing of a patch antenna in stacked HR-Si interposers 213
7.5 Test and analysis of patch antenna in stacked HR-Si TSV interposer 213
7.6 Summary 222
References 222

8 Through glass via technology 225
8.1 Introduction 225
8.2 TGV fabrication 225
8.3 Metallization of TGV 228
8.4 Passive devices based on TGV technology 230
8.4.1 Technology description 230
8.4.2 MIM capacitor 230
8.4.3 TGV-based bandpass filter 231
8.5 Embedded glass fan-out wafer-level package technology 235
8.5.1 Technology description 235
8.5.2 AIP enabled by eGFO package technology 236
8.5.3 3D RF integration enabled by eGFO package technology 242
8.6 2.5D heterogeneous integrated L-band receiver based on TGV interposer 242
8.7 Conclusions 249
References 250

9 Conclusion and outlook 251

Appendix 1 Abbreviations 255

Appendix 2 Nomenclature 259

Appendix 3 Conversion factors 267

Index 269

