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新港报告 2019 外语卷
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  "They would never say it.So they quite enjoy that the Chinese are so direct like this girl.She said,"you're a bit old and a bit short.Sorry.",which is fine,because this is a dating show,if you don't like someone,just tell the truth.Don't beat around the bush.Here was some feedback from viewers.One viewer said,"Kind of wish I lived in China where it's okay to say stuff like this.Saying congratulations on your pregnancy to the wrong dude once and you're in trouble."Another viewer said,"In China I was with my boss and her husband was drinking,and she said to me, 'My husband is pretty ugly,isn't he?' What am I meant to say to that? "A viewer commented,"Given she's your boss,you should probably agree with her."So it's quite interesting.You don't realize that we are very direct.We Chinese do comment on people's appearances but Australians don't.So this is a cultural difference.Being Chinese,you may say to your colleague,"You've cut your hair too short.It doesn't suit you."But an Australian would never say that.They'd say,"Oh,you have a very nice haircut."Not really. That's a cultural difference.And this show,people love watching it is because of cultural differences.This viewer said,"I like this show.It does help people to understand different cultures."Culturesare coming from people.Culture doesn't only come from books,it also comes from real people and real lives,because they are the reflection of the culture they live in.Here is a simple example.These are ten requirements (omit here) for a partner.Australians were amazed by them.They wonder why you need to know so much,and why you need to know someone's past love experiences.They never ask the past unless you want to talk about it yourself. The other one is"Family Backgrounds ". What's it got to do with your family? And"Ability for Housework". Do you have to do housework? And "Financial Situation",they found this requirement rather strange.And "Three Requirements for Partner"is another strange one. "Photos without Make-up "isn't applicable in Australia.Many people in Australia wear make-up and rarely use Photoshop for personal photos.Also,they didn't see any connection of "Friends' Comments "with their dating.They only found two items useful,one is "Common Interests".That's good to know.If I like this person,I like to know whether we share the same interest. The other one is"Girl's Room ",which would be interesting to have a look.The other eight items were irrelevant to dating.These are cultural differences,reflected from different views on love and dating.
A Mathematician's Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland
Where Does Language Come from?
Subjectivity Is Not Evil for Journalists
The Success of If You Are the One in Australia
"Foxy Ladies" : Female Anthropomorphism in the Short-stories of Pu Songling and in European Folk Tales and Literature
Network Language: Innovation and Cognition
From Turing to McEwan: AI, Lies and Ethical Dilemma in Literature
How Being a Bilingual Can Affect Your Decision Making?
Mulan in the U.S.- From Kingston's Narrative Work
The Woman Warrior to Disney's Mulan Films

