Part Ⅰ Outpatients Study
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research gaps
1.3 Research questions and hypotheses
1.4 Potential contribution
1.5 Research approach and organization
Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Health care system in China
2.2 Patient perception of health care service
2.3 Consumer decision process theory
2.4 Patient choice of care provider
2.5 Patient satisfaction
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Research objectives
3.2 Research design
3.3 Data source
3.4 Data collection and sampling
3.5 Data process and statistical analysis
Chapter 4 Result Ⅰ :Outpatients' choices of care providers in rural
western China
4.1 Descriptive findings
4.2 Internal factors associated with outpatients' choices
4.3 External factors associated with outpatients' choices
4.4 Discussion
Chapter 5 Result Ⅱ:Outpatients' satisfaction in rural western China
5.1 Descriptive findings
5.2 Outpatients' satisfaction item scores
5. 3 Factor analysis
5.4 Determinants of outpatients' satisfaction
5.5 Discussion
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Policy recommendations
6.2 Limitations
6.3 Perspectives for future work
Part Ⅱ Inpatients Study
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research objectives
1.3 Research methodology and design
1.4 Potential contributions
1.5 Organization of this part