Chapter1 Introduction of Content-based Image Retrieval (1)
1. 1 Development and Current Status of Image Retrieval (1)
1. 2 Research Status at Home and Abroad (8)
1. 3 CBIR Technology (11)
1. 4 Introduction of Classic CBIR System (12)
1. 5 Organization of the Book (17)
References (18)
Chapter 2 Key Techniques of Content-based Image Retrieval (23)
2. 1 Basic Principles of CBIR Retrieval (23)
2. 2 Image Content (24)
2. 3 Matching Technology in Image Retrieval (30)
2. 4 Performance Evaluation Criteria of Image Retrieval System (38)
References (41)
Chapter 3 Color-based Image Retrieval (43)
3. 1 Color Space (43)
3. 2 Color Quantization (51)
3. 3 Global Color Feature (55)
3. 4 Color Space Feature (69)
3. 5 Color Spatial Distribution Entropy (74)
3. 6 Distribution Entropy Plane (77)
3. 7 Improved Bit-plane Entropy Distribution (83)
References (88)
Chapter 4 Texture Feature-based Image Retrieval (92)
4. 1 Texture Feature (92)
4. 2 Perceptual Model of Texture (95)
4. 3 Statistical Model of Texture (99)
4. 4 Structural Model of Texture (107)
Content • 1•
4. 5 Transform Model of Texture (110)
4. 6 MPEG-7 Texture Descriptors (113)
References (114)
Chapter 5 High-dimensional Indexing Technology (117)
5. 1 High-dimensional Indexing Technology (117)
5. 2 High-dimensional Properties in Vector Space (119)
5. 3 Dimensional Catastrophic Phenomena (121)
5. 4 Vector Approximation Method Based on Vector Quantization (125)
5. 5 High-dimensional Index Method Based on SVD on Quadratic Distance (142)
5. 6 Multi-resolution and High-dimensional Indexing Methods (145)
5. 7 Application of Vector Approximation Method in Correlation Feedback Technique (151)
5. 8 Evaluation Criteria for High-dimensional Index Technology (158)
References (160)
Chapter 6 Similarity Measures and Performance Evaluation (164)
6. 1 Similarity Measures (164)
6. 2 User Comparison (178)
6. 3 Precision and Recall (178)
6. 4 Precision-recall Graph (179)
6. 5 Average Precision (180)
6. 6 F-Score (181)
6. 7 Average Normalized Modified Retrieval Rank(ANMRR) (182)
References (183)