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  China strictly enforces export control laws and regulations, and translates solemn commitments into concrete actions. With institutional foundations and technological support, China has gradually realized effective and comprehensive regulation and whole-process monitoring, and put in place a modern export control system providing scientific design, orderly operation and vigorous enforcement.
  1. Improving License Management
  China widely adopts internationally-accepted practices in export controls such as license management, end-user and end-use certificates, and general licensing. China has established an inter-agency consultation mechanism and a two-tiered management model, optimized the licensing procedure and extending the types of license. License management has been steadily improved, to ensure that all trade in export-controlled items is consistent with compliance requirements, and to create a better business environment for high-level opening up.
  An inter-agency consultation mechanism for prudent and accurate review. For the review of dual-use items, China has set up an inter-agency consultation mechanism that brings together the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, China Atomic Energy Authority, and the Equipment Development Department of the CMC. These departments work closely together to review export applications, each carrying out its respective duties, taking into account factors such as national security and national interests, international obligations, end users and end uses, to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies.
  A two-tiered management model to facilitate license applications. License applicants may come from any part of China. To strike a balance between export promotion and export control, and to protect and promote trade in controlled items that is consistent with compliance requirements, China adopts a two-tiered license management model. Provincial government departments are mandated to provide exporters with public export control services and re-submit their export applications to the central government. The results of reviews are sent to the exporters and China Customs via the internet. To facilitate trade, the Ministry of Commerce realized paperless license management for dual-use items in July 2021, employing digital tools through the entire process of application, review, license issuance and customs clearance. As a result, the licensing time frame was shortened by five to seven days.
  Improved measures for targeted license management. China promotes multi-tiered management with the emphasis on end-user and end-use certificates. Generally, an exporter is required to submit the end-use certificate provided by the end user, for export applications presenting a potential risk, the exporter is required to submit end-user and end-use certificates verified or issued by the government agencies of the country or region in which the end user is located, and by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country or region. To extend the types of license, China grants general licenses to exporters with internal compliance programs and sound operating procedures, provided that they meet the necessary requirements. These general licenses allow them to export multiple times to multiple countries/regions or end users within the period of validity. The implementation of these measures has made license management more targeted and effective.
Ⅰ. China's Basic Position on Export Controls
Ⅱ. Ongoing Improvements to the Legal and Regulatory System for Export Controls
Ⅲ. Modernizing the Export Control System
Ⅳ. Promoting International Exchanges and Cooperation

