《民法典》医疗产品责任理解与适用 ——以《民法典》侵权责任编第 1223条为中心/3 衡敬之
论公共卫生风险规制评估——科学不确定情形下的行动论证/18 苏玉菊
宋民宪 康 琪 宋浩伟 张海燕 杨 男
人类基因编辑技术立法的价值定位及其进路研究/ 54 杨 芳
大数据背景下地方公共卫生安全风险防控法律制度供给不足与完善 ——以大连市为研究样例/75 荣振华
[日]伊藤弘子 著 石 雷 唐 雪 译
论争议中的知情同意权的实现——从索泼特试验中得到的教训/98[美]罗伯特 ·J.莫斯 罗宾·弗瑞特威尔·威尔逊 著 石 雷 袁 嫡 译
根据传染病法采取限制或禁止经营措施造成经济损失时的补偿/125 [德]乌尔里希 ·罗梅方尔 著 李 海 译
大数据分析:什么地方可能出错/137[美]莎罗娜 ·霍夫曼 著 龙柯宇 刘梦祺 译
保险领域的区块链运用及法律争议/155 [韩]孟守锡 著 李 杨 译
医患纠纷中对抗性叙事的生成及其法治意义 ——解读大学教师彭×ד殴打”男护士案风波/173 冯 磊冷冻胚胎移植合同的法律规则及胚胎使用风险防范研究 ——基于 42份裁判文书的分析/189 冉启玉日本医疗 ADR运行体制与思考——以东京三律师会 ADR为中心/203 晏 英后记/216 李文彬
Academic Contending
Understanding and application of medical product liability in the Civil Code: Taking Article 1223 of the Tort Liability Code as the center/17 Heng Jing-zhi
On the Evaluation of Public Health Risk Regulation—Action demonstration under Conditions of Scientific Uncertainty/28 Su Yu-ju
More Clear Legal Support Should be Given to Epidemiological Investigation/42 Tang Xiao-tian
Research on the legal system of technical secrets protection of traditional Chinese medicine enterprises/52 Song Min-xian Kang Qi Song Hao-wei Zhang Hai-yan Yang Nan
On Value Orientation and Practical Approach of Human Gene Editing Legislation/74 Yang Fang
In the context of big data, local public health security risk prevention and control legal system supply is insufficient and perfect—Taking Dalian city as an example/88 Rong Zhen-hua
Overseas Monograph
Human Rights of Surrogate Children and Surrogate Mothers/91 Hiroko Ito
Realizing Informed Consent in Times of Controversy: Lessons from the SUPPORT Study/98 Robert J. Morse and Robin Fretwell Wilson
Compensation for Financial Losses Due to Operational Restrictions/Closures As a Result of Measures under the Infection Protection Act/125 Ulrich Rommelfanger
Big Data Analytics: What Can Go Wrong/137 Sharona Hoffman
Utilization of Blockchain in the Insurance Business and Legal Issues/155 Soo-Seok Maeng
Case Study
On the Adversarial Narrative in Medical Dispute and Its Value in Rule of Law: Interpretation of the Case about Professor Peng “Beating Up” the Male Nurse/187 Feng Lei
Legal Rules of Frozen Embryo Transplantation Service Contract & Risk Precaution —Based on the Analysis of 42 Case Decisions/202 Ran Qi-yu
Operation system and thinking of medical ADR in Japan— Based on Tokyo 3 Bar Association/215 An Ying
Postscript/216 Li Wen-bin