1Introduction1 1.1Concepts and sorts of materials1 1.1.1Definition and categories of the materials 2 1.1.2Materials in society revolution4 1.1.3Development of materials 5 1.2Content and relation of materials science5 1.2.1Mechanical property6 1.2.2Physicalproperty6 1.2.3Materials structure7 1.3Materials and mechanical engineering7 1.3.1Materials of mechanical engineering7 1.3.2Mechanical engineering7 1.4Mechanical properties of materials8 1.4.1Strength 8 1.4.2Hardness9 1.4.3Plasticity10 1.4.4Ductility10 2NonferrousMetals12 2.1Aluminum and Al alloys12 2.1.1Background in aluminum12 2.1.2Pure aluminum13 2.1.3Aluminum alloy14 2.2Copper and Cu alloys16 2.2.1Background in copper16 2.2.2Pure copper17 2.2.3Copper alloy18 2.3Magnesium and Mg alloys19 2.3.1Background in magnesium19 2.3.2Properties of magnesium alloy 19 2.3.3Application of magnesium alloy20 2.4Titanium alloy21 2.4.1Background in titanium 21 2.4.2Properties of titanium alloy21 2.4.3Application of titanium alloy22 3Metal Structure and Deformation Mechanism23 3.1Crystalstructure of metals23 3.1.1Concept of crystal structure23 3.1.2Crystal orientation and plane25 3.1.3Types of crystal structure commonly found in metals27 3.1.4Isotropy and anisotropy of materials29 3.1.5Actual structure of metals30 3.2Crystallization of metal373.2.1Concept of crystallization37 3.2.2Crystallization process39 3.2.3Supercooling40 3.2.4Control of grain size 41 3.2.5Structure of ingot41 3.3Recovery,recrystallization,and grain growth43 3.3.1Structure and property of deformed metal during heating43 3.3.2Recovery443.3.3Recrystallization44 3.3.4Grain growth after recrystallization45 3.4Deformation mechanism47 3.4.1Definition of deformation 47 3.4.2Plastic deformation of monocrystal47 3.4.3Plastic deformation of polycrystalline48 3.4.4Effects of plastic deformation onperformance of metal49 3.4.5Hot working and cold working of metals50 4Metal Alloys and Heat Treatment53 4.1Crystal structure of alloys53 4.1.1Basic concepts of alloys53 4.1.2Solid solution54 4.1.3Intermetallic compounds56 4.2Binary alloy diagram57 4.2.1Basicconcepts57 4.2.2Uniform crystallization process 58 4.2.3Lever rule59 4.2.4Eutectic diagram60 4.2.5Several basic binary phase diagrams61 4.3Phase structure and properties in ironcarbon alloys62 4.3.1Basic concepts 62 4.3.2Ironcarbon equilibrium diagram 644.3.3Ironcarbon equilibrium phase66 4.3.4Effects of carbon content on ironcarbon alloy69 4.4Heat treatment of metal69 4.4.1Annealing69 4.4.2Normalizing70 4.4.3Quenching71 4.4.4Tempering71 4.4.5Chemical heat treatment71 5Key Technology in Casting and MeltTreatment73 5.1Solidification in casting alloys73 5.1.1Definition of solidification 73 5.1.2Solidification of pure metals74 5.1.3Solidification of alloys75 5.1.4Mode of solidification 76 5.2Fluid flow of molten metal77 5.2.1Fluidity of alloy77 5.2.2Fillingcapacity of the alloy78 5.3Shrinkage of alloys79 5.3.1Shrinkage of cast alloys79 5.3.2Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage pore 80 5.3.3Factors affecting alloy shrinkage83 5.3.4Preventive measures for shrinkage83 5.4Casting stress,cracks and blowhole84 5.4.1Castingstress84 5.4.2Casting deformation85 5.4.3Casting cracks85 5.4.4Segregation87 5.4.5Blowhole88 5.5Casting methods and riser90 5.5.1Metal mold casting90 5.5.2Low pressure casting92 5.5.3Pressure casting93 5.5.4Riser97 5.5.5Casting parameters97 5.6Key technologyin casting of aluminum alloy98 5.6.1Purification effect evaluation98 5.6.2Purification effect on deformed aluminum alloy99 6Plastic Deformation,Physical Simulation and Hot Processing Map102 6.1Principles of plastic deformation102 6.1.1Definition of plasticdeformation102 6.1.2Effects of plastic deformation on metal103 6.1.3Malleability105 6.2Forging107 6.2.1Definition and classification107 6.2.2Opendie forging 108 6.2.3Closedie forging 110 6.2.4Forging defects 110 6.3Rolling112 6.3.1Rolling process112 6.3.2Flatrolling114 6.4Defects in rolled plates and sheets118 6.4.1Advantages and disadvantages of rolling118 6.4.2Defects in plates and sheets119 6.4.3Residual stresses119 6.4.4Roller leveling119 6.4.5Sliver defect in AlMg alloy120 6.5Bending and deep drawing1246.5.1Bending124 6.5.2Deep Drawing125 6.6Stressstrain curve and dynamic recrystallization kinetics model126 6.6.1Experiments for stressstrain curve127 6.6.2True stressstrain curves of hot compression deformation127 6.6.3Kinetics equation of dynamic recrystallization1286.6.4Volume fraction of dynamic recrystallization130 6.7Hot processing map131 6.7.1Definition of hot processing map131 6.7.2Theory of hot processing map131 6.7.3Experiments of alloy for hot processing map133 6.7.4Construction of hot processing map134 7KeyTechnology in Welding of Nonferrous Alloys139 7.1Welding and welding joint139 7.1.1Definition of welding139 7.1.2Classification of welding140 7.1.3Structure of welding joint141 7.1.4Selection of metals in welding142 7.2Welding quality142 7.2.1Weldability1427.2.2Welding thermal process143 7.2.3Welding defects143 7.3Welding of aluminum alloy and copper alloy146 7.3.1Aluminum alloy welding technology146 7.3.2Copper alloy welding technology146 8Analytical Testing Techniques in Nonferrous Alloys148 8.1Optical microscopy1488.1.1Definition of optical microscopy148 8.1.2Principles of metallographic analysis148 8.1.3Metallographic display methods149 8.1.4Optical microscopy in nonferrous metals151 8.2Scanning electron microscopy161 8.2.1Definition of scanning electron microscopy1618.2.2Principles of scanning electron microscopy 161 8.2.3Characteristics of scanning electron microscopy162 8.2.4Scanning electron microscopy in nonferrous metals163 8.3Transmission electron microscopy167 8.3.1Definition of transmission electron microscopy1678.3.2Principles of transmission electron microscopy168 8.3.3Transmission electron microscopy in nonferrous metals169 8.4Electron backscattered diffraction171 8.4.1Definition of electron backscattered diffraction171 8.4.2Principles of electron backscattereddiffraction172 8.4.3Characteristics of electron backscattered diffraction173 8.4.4Research and status of EBSD174 8.4.5Electron backscatter diffraction in nonferrous Metals174 8.5Differential thermal analysis186 8.5.1Definition of differential thermal analysis1868.5.2Principles of differential thermal analysis186 References188