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Code for Design of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams《混凝土面板堆石坝设计规范》
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  8 Joints and Waterstops
  8.1 General Requirements
  8.1.1 The waterstops shall be provided for joints of face slab, plinth, toe wall, concrete connection slab, and parapet wall to form a continuous watertight system.
  8.1.2 The type of waterstops for joints shall accommodate the joint deformation.
  8.1.3 The waterstop materials shall have the certificate of conformity, and be spot-checked by a certified testing agency.
  8.1.4 The waterstop materials of joints shall have a good bonding property to concrete, be easy to process and install at site, and be durable.
  8.1.5 The detailing of surface waterstops for face slab at and above reservoir level fluctuations in severe cold regions shall be demonstrated.
  8.1.6 The use of new technologies, processes, equipment, and materials demonstrated by experiments are encouraged provided that the engineering and environmental protection requirements are met.
  8.2 Perimeter Joints
  8.2.1 The layout of perimeterjoints shall meet the following requirements:
  1 For a low dam, copper waterstops shall be set at the bottom of the perimeter joint.
  2 For a medium dam, copper waterstops shall be set at the bottom of the perimeter joint and one waterstop should be set at the top of perimeter joint. The waterstop at the top may be a flexible or cohesionless filler.
  3 For a high dam, in addition to the copper waterstops at the bottom of the perimeter joint, the fiexible or cohesionless filler waterstops shall be set at the top of perimeter joint. Flexible filler and cohesionless filler waterstops may be jointly used. Rubber rods may be arranged in the middle of the joint.
  4 For an extra-high dam, in addition to the copper waterstops at the bottom of the perimeter joint, the flexible and cohesionless fillerwaterstops shall be jointly used at the top of perimeter joint. Rubberrods may be arranged in the middle of the joint.
  5 For a dam with special requirements, the structural type, detailing, material, and installation of perimeter joint waterstop shall be specially studied.
  8.2.2 The copper waterstop at the bottom and flexible filler at the top shall form their respective enclosed watertight systems. When there is no flexible filler at the top of vertical joint, the flexible filler at the top of perimeter joint shall be connected with the copper waterstops of verticaljoint.
  8.2.3 The width of perimeter joint should be 12 mm* When the vertical rib of copper waterstop is wider than the joint, the joint bottom should be widened locally. A compression-resisting board shall be set in the joint and should be fixed to the plinth.
  8.2.4 A pad shall be placed under the F-type copper waterstop at the bottom of perimeter joint, which shall meet the following requirements:
  1 The pad under the copper waterstops may be made of ubber, PVC, orgeotextile. The thickness of pad should be 4 mm to 6 mm. A cusluonshall be set under the pad. The cushion should use asphalt mortar, or may use cement mortar.
  2 The gap under the pad shall be filled densely and evenly with properfillers.
  3 A rubber rod shall be placed at the top of vertical rib of copperwaterstop. The rest gap of rib shall be filled with polyurethane foamboards or other flexible materials, and the rib shall be enclosed.
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
4 Project Layout and Dam Zoning
4.1 Project Layout
4.2 Dam Crest
4.3 Dam Slope
4.4 Dam Zoning
5 Filling Materials and Filling Criteria
5.1 Filling Materials Investigation, Testing and Quarry Planning
5.2 Cushion Materials and Transition Materials
5.3 Rockfill Materials
5.4 Filling Criteria
6 Plinth
6.1 Alignment and Layout of Plinth
6.2 Plinth Size
6.3 Toe Wall
6.4 Concrete and Reinforcement of Plinth and Toe Wall
7 Face Slab
7.1 Face Slab Jointing
7.2 Face Slab Thickness
7.3 Face Slab Concrete
7.4 Reinforcement Arrangement
7.5 Crack Control Measures for Face Slab
8 Joints and Waterstops
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Perimeter Joints
8.3 Vertical Joints
8.4 Other Joints
8.5 Joint Filling and Waterstop Materials
9 Foundation Treatment
9.1 Excavation of Foundation and Abutments
9.2 Treatment of Foundation Defects
10 Analysis and Calculation
10.1 Seepage Analysis
10.2 Sliding Stability Analysis
10.3 Stress and Deformation Analysis
11 Seismic Measures
12 Staged Construction and Dam Heightening
12.1 Staged Construction
12.2 Temporary Water Retaining
12.3 Embankment Protection Under Overflow Condition
12.4 Dam Heightening
13 Safety Monitoring
14 Construction Requirements
15 Initiallmpoundment, Operation and Maintenance
Explanation of Wording in This Code
List of Quoted Standards

