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Introduction to Environmental Mineralogy(精)
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1 Environmental Property of Minerals
1.1 Research Category of Environmental Property of Minerals
1.1.1 Minerals Record Environmental Changes
1.1.2 Minerals Affect Environmental Quality
1.1.3 Minerals Reflect Environmental Evaluation
1.1.4 Minerals Control Environmental Pollution
1.1.5 Minerals Participate in Biological Function
1.2 Natural Self-purification Function of Inorganic Mineral
1.2.1 Surface Effect of Mineral
1.2.2 Channel Effect of Mineral
1.2.3 Structure Effect of Mineral
1.2.4 Ion Exchange Effect of Mineral
1.2.5 Redox Effect of Mineral
1.2.6 Precipitation/Dissolution Effect of Mineral
1.2.7 Crystallization Effect of Mineral
1.2.8 Hydration Effect of Mineral
1.2.9 Thermal Effect of Mineral
1.2.10 Photocatalytic Effect of Mineral
1.2.11 Nano Effect of Mineral
1.2.12 Composite Effect of Mineral and Organism
1.3 Environmental Effects of 1he Synergism Between Minerals and Microorganisms
1.3.1 Mineral Electron Energy Form
1.3.2 Mineral Photcelectrons Promote the Origin and Evolution of Life
1.3.3 Mineral Photoelectrons Promote the Crowth and Metabolism of Photoelectrophic Microorganisms
1.3.4 Microbial Photoelectrophic Nutrition Mode
2 Environmental Effects of Channel Structure Minerals
2.1 Octahedral Channel Effects of Cryptomelane
2.1.1 Channel Structure of Manganese Oxide
2.1.2 Channel Effect of Natural Cryptomelane
2.1.3 Remarks on the Reactivity of Nanomineral Aggregates
2.2 Channel Structure Effects of Potassium Feldspar Tetrahedron
2.2.1 Channel Structure Characteristics of Potassium Feldspar
2.2.2 Ion Exchange Effect of Potassium Feldspar Channels
2.3 Tubular-Texture Effects of the Chrysotile
2.3.1 Crystal Structure of the Chrysotile
2.3.2 The Active Group of Chrysotile
2.3.3 The Activity of Chrysotile
2.3.4 The Nanotube of Clinochrysotile
2.3.5 Nano-fibriform Silica from Natural Chrysotile
3 Photoaetivity of Mn Oxides on Earth's Surface
3.1 Nature Manganese Oxides
3.1.1 Vast Distribution of Mn Oxides on Modem Earth
3.1.2 Widespread Mn Coatings on Earth's Surface
3.1.3 Photoelectric Behavior of Mn (Oxyhydr)oxide
3.2 Electronic Structure of Natural Semiconducting Mn Oxides
3.2.1 Effect of Mn (or O) Vacancies
3.2.2 Effect of Metal Cations
3.3 Photocatalytic Self-reduction of Natural Mn Oxides
3.3.1 Photocatalytic Oxidation of Water by Mn4CaO
3.3.2 Pbotocatalytic Self-reduction of Natural Mn Oxides
3.4 Environmental Functions of Mn Oxides Controlled by Mn Redox Cycling
3.4.1 Reductive Dissolution of Mn Oxides Mediated by Organic Matter
3.4.2 Oxidative Formation of Mn Oxides and Heavy Metal Sorption
3.5 Concluding Remarks
4 Redox Activity of Iron Sulfide and Mn Oxide
4.1 Removal of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) from Aqueous Solution and Industrial Wastewater by Natural Pyrrhotite
4.1.1 Characteristics of Pyrrhotite and Wastewater
4.1.2 Effectiveness in Cr(VI) Removal
4.1.3 Solid Phases After Cr(VI) Removal
4.1.4 Process of Cr(VI) Removal
4.1.5 Potential Industrial Application
4.2 Reactivity of Mn Oxide Cryptomelane
4.2.1 Occurrence and Characterization of Cryptomelane
4.2.2 Oxidation of Phenols by Mn Oxide
5 Interaction Between Fe & Mn-Bearing Minerals and Microbes
5.1 Reduction of Goethite by Cronobacter sakazakii
5.1.1 Total Protein and Fe(II) Concentration Changes
5.1.2 Morphology of the Strain and Minerals
5.1.3 Coordination Structure and Fe Oxidation State of the Products
5.2 Reduction of Birnessite by a Novel Dietzia Strain
5.2.1 Anaerobic Reduction of Birnessite by 45-1 b
5.2.2 Aerobic Reduction of Birnessite by 45-1b
5.2.3 Effect of AQDS on Reduction of Birnessite
5.2.4 Mineral

