序一(Preface Ⅰ)
序二(Preface Ⅱ)
凡例(Guide to use)
世界菌菇邮票图鉴(1894-2019) [Illustrative of Mushroom Stamps (1894-2019)]
附录1 方寸之间的菌物科学(Appendix 1 The Fungal Sciences on Stamps)
1.1 世界第一枚菌菇邮票(First Fungal Stamp in the World)
1.2 从方寸世界聚焦加勒比地区独特的菌物多样性(Focus on the Unique Diversity of Fungus in Caribbean from Stamps)
1.3 世界各地发行的红菇属邮票(The Issued Checklist of Genus Russula on Stamps in the World)
1.4 邮票中的蘑菇属种类(The Resource Distribution of Genus Agaricus on Stamps)
1.5 邮票上的工厂化栽培食用菌(Industrial Cultivated Edible Mushroom on Stamps)
1.6 从方寸天地一览世界牛肝菌野生资源(The World's Wild Resources of Bolete on Stamps)
1.7 邮票上的香菇(Xíanggu on Stamps)
1.8 邮票上的双孢蘑菇(Button Mushroom on Stamps)
1.9 亚历山大·弗莱明——菌菇邮票上最常见的菌物学家(Sir. Alexander Fleming-The Most Common Person on the Mushroom Stamps)
1.10 邮票和钞票上幸运的蓝色蘑菇(Lucky "Blue Mushroom" on Stamps & Note)
1.11 邮票上猫头鹰与蘑菇的故事(The Stories between Owls and Mushrooms on Stamps)
附录2 菌菇学名索引(Appendix 2 Index of Genera and Species)
附录3 邮票发行国家或地区索引及集邮票目录编号(Appendix 3 Index of Issued Countries or Regions with Catalogue Number)