Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Statement oft he problem
1.3 Research questions and hypothesis
1.4 Research overview
1.5 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous studies on television interpreting
2.1.1 Socio-professional and institutional dimension
2.1.2 Cognitive dimension
2.1.3 Textual dimension
2.1.4 Interactional dimension
2.1.5 Other contributions
2.1.6 Summary
2.2 Multimodality in Translation and Interpreting Studies
2.2.1 Multimodality in Translation Studies
2.2.2 Multimodality in Interpreting Studies
Chapter 3 Conceptual framework and methodology
3.1 A multimodal social-semiotic theory of communication
3.1.1 Communicative practice
3.1.2 Discourse
3.1.3 Design
3.1.4 Production
3.1.5 Distribution
3.1.6 Stratal relations
3.1.7 Modal interrelations
3.1.8 Summary
3.2 Complementary concepts
3.2.1 G'offman's theories
3.2.2 Television communication
3.3 Research model
3.3.1 A basic model for multimodal communication
3.3.2 Embedding
3.3.3 Modal interrelations
3.3.4 Summary
3.4 Data collection and analysis
3.4.1 Research design
3.4.2 Data collection
3.4.3 Transcription and discourse analysis
Chapter 4 Orchestration of Semiotic Resources: Stratal Analysis of Meaning Making in Interpreted Television Events
4.1 The embedded event
4.1.1 Discourse
4.1.2 Design
4.1.3 Production
4.1.4 Distribution
4. 2 Television broadcast of the event
4.2.1 Discourse
4.2.2 Design
4.2.3 Production
4.2.4 Distribution
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Audience Perception of the Ensemble: Meaning Arising from Modal Interrelations
5.1 Modes available to the interpreter
5.1.1 Mode of speech
5.1.2 Sub-modes or affordances of speech
5.1.3 Footing as mode
5.1.4 Summary
5.2 Modal interrelations
5.2.1 Complementarity
5.2.2 Integrity
5.2.3 Incongruity
5.2.4 Summary
5.3 Discussion
5.3.1 Text, source text, and target text
5.3.2 The interpreter's status
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary of the present research
6.2 Major findings
6.3 Significance and implications
6.4 Limitations
6.5 Recommendations for future research
Appendix: Sample transcription of the 2014 US Open Women's Singles Final Trophy Ceremony