Chapter 1 The First steps
What Is a Robot?
What Is Robotics?
Robots and AI
Robotics Lab
Research Paradigm
Hardware and Software in Robotics
Basic Electronics
Software Packages Used in Robotics
Linux in Robotics
Digital and Analog Signals
Digital Signal Processing
Number Systems
Logic and Binary Systems
Exercises and Projects
Chapter 2 Introduction to Embedded Robotics
Microcontrollers and Development Boards
MCU and Development Board
Development Boards and Power Consumption
SBC (Single Board Computer)
Sensor's Classifications
Transfer Function & Sensor Characteristics
Sensor Modules
Sensor Shields
Optical Sensors
Temperature Sensors
DC Motors
Serve Motors
Stepper Motors
Hardware Control
PID Control
Controlling Serve Motors
Advance Use of Microcontrollers
Dealing with 'Delay'
Multitasking and OO Programming
Object Oriented Programming with Microcontrollers
User Interfaces
Exercises and Projects
Chapter 3 Robotics Design and Control
Different Robots
Tools for Intelligent Robotics Design
Image Processing
ROS (Robot Operating System)
Calculating Forward Kinematics
Ground Moving Robots
Toward Intelligent Robotics
Intelligent Vision Sensors
Exercises and Projects
Chapter 4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
What Is Neural Network?
AI Ready Devices
Human Intelligence vs. Robot Intelligence
How Robots See the World
Dispositive Networks and Understanding of the World
Human-Robot Interaction
Exercises and Projects
Chapter References