右心是维持机体正常血液循环的重要部位,但临床上对右心的重视程度远不如左心。在此背景下,英文版原书的三位主编——国际知名肺血管专家——Sean P. Gaine、Robert Naeije和Andrew J.Peacock编写了第一本专门介绍右心相关基础知识的专著(原书第一版),出版后深受欢迎并促进了学界对右心的关注。之后,对右心的理解不断加深,治疗相关疾病的手段不断丰富,故于第一版出版后的第七年更新再版,本书即为此版的引进版。本书内容丰富,聚焦右心研究的前沿并融入了编者的临床经验,是内科医师、心血管医师和呼吸科医师必备的参考书。
第一部分 生理、病理和病理生物学
Physiology, Pathology and Pathobiology
1 右心室的功能 ………………………………………………………2
Function of the Right Ventricle
Jeroen N. Wessels, Frances S. de Man, and Anton Vonk Noordegraaf
2 右心室的病理生物学 ………………………………………………8
Right Ventricular Pathobiology
Vineet Agrawal, Evan Brittain, and Anna R. Hemnes
3 实验动物模型 ………………………………………………………14
Experimental Models
Mario Boehm, Ralph Theo Schermuly, and Baktybek Kojonazarov
4 右心室和左心室在结构和功能上的相互依赖 ……………………27
Mechanical and Functional Interdependence Between the RV and LV
Mark K. Friedberg
第二部分 右心影像
Imaging the Right Heart
5 正常人与肺高血压患者右心室磁共振成像 ………………………36
MRI of the Right Ventricle in Normal Subjects and Those with
Pulmonary Hypertension
Andrew J. Peacock and Melanie J. Brewis
6 运动对右心室结构和功能的影响 …………………………………46
Right Ventricular Structure and Function During Exercise
André La Gerche
7 右心超声心动图 ……………………………………………………56
Echocardiography of the Right Heart
Bouchra Lamia and Timothee Lambert
第三部分 右心功能不全的病因
Causes of Right Heart Dysfunction
8 容量超负荷对右心的影响 …………………………………………66
Volume Overload and the Right Heart
Javier Sanz
9 肺动脉高压和慢性血栓栓塞性肺高血压对右心室的影响 ………78
Right Ventricular Response to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Daniel N. Silverman, Chakradhari Inampudi, and Ryan J. Tedford
10 左心衰竭对右心的影响 …………………………………………89
Left-Heart Failure and Its Effects on the Right Heart
Stefano Ghio
11 肺源性心脏病 ……………………………………………………92
Cor Pulmonale
Cyril Charron, Guillaume Geri, Xavier Repessé, and Antoine Vieillard-Baron
12 高原对右心室的影响 ……………………………………………98
High Altitude and the Right Ventricle
Robert Naeije
13 先天性心脏病与右心室 ………………………………………105
The Right Ventricle in Congenital Heart Diseases
Beatrijs Bartelds, Johannes M. Douwes, and Rolf M. F. Berger
14 肺栓塞 …………………………………………………………116
Pulmonary Embolism
Angel López-Candales and Srikanth Vallurupalli
15 右心室心肌病 …………………………………………………151
Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathies
Riccardo Bariani, Giulia Mattesi, Alberto Cipriani, and Barbara Bauce
第四部分 右心功能不全的治疗
Treatment of Right Heart Dysfunction
16 肺高血压治疗与右心逆重构 …………………………………166
Right-Heart Reverse Remodeling During Treatment for
Pulmonary Hypertension
Roberto Badagliacca, Giovanna Manzi, and Carmine Dario Vizza
17 慢性毛细血管前性肺高血压合并急性右心衰竭 ……………171
Acute Right-Heart Failure in Patients with Chronic Precapillary
Pulmonary Hypertension
Laurent Savale, Athéna.s Boucly, Jérémie Pichon, Anne Roche, and Marc Humbert
18 心肺移植与右心 ………………………………………………179
Cardiac and Lung Transplantation and the Right Heart
Robert P. Frantz
19 肺高血压致右心衰竭与心律失常 ……………………………188
Arrhythmias in Right-Heart Failure due to Pulmonary
Michele D’Alto and Andrea Farro
20 房间隔造口术 …………………………………………………199
Atrial Septostomy
Adam Torbicki, Marcin Kurzyna, and Julio Sandoval
第五部分 未来展望
Future Perspectives
21 肺高血压与靶向右心治疗 ……………………………………210
Treating the Right Ventricle Directly in Pulmonary Hypertension
Norbert F. Voelkel, Dietmar Schranz, Liza Botros, and Harm Jan Bogaard