Chapter 1 Dehumidification Mechanisms of Desiccant Wheels
1.1 Heat and moisture transfer mechanism in desiccant wheel
1.2 Properties of solid desiccants
1.2.1 Introduction of regular solid desiccants
1.2.2 Adsorption isotherms of solid desiccant materials
Chapter 2 Numerical Models of the Desiccant Wheel
2.1 Coupled heat and mass transfer equations
2.1.1 Working principles of desiccant wheels
2.1.2 Two-Dimensional-Double-Diffusion model
2.1.3 One-Dimensional-Double-Diffusion model
2.1.4 One-Dimensional-Non-Diffusion model
2.2 Validations of the mathematic models
2.2.1 Test bench
2.2.2 Validations
2.3 Dimensionless mathematic model
2.3.1 Dimensionless form
2.3.2 Main dimensionless criteria parameters
2.4 Prediction models of desiccant wheels
2.4.1 Value ranges of the 3 basic dimensionless numbers
2.4.2 Original data calculated from the dimensionless model
2.4.3 Prediction model using multiple regression method
2.4.4 Prediction model using artificial neural network method
Chapter 3 Lowering Regeneration Temperature of Desiccant Wheels
3.1 Exergy analysis of the desiccant wheel
3.1.1 Exergy balance for the rotary wheel
3.1.2 Exergy efficiency of dehumidification
3.2 Decreasing exergy destruction
3.2.1 Factors influencing heat and mass transfer exergy destruction
3.2.2 Influence of Ar and Fr on uniformity and exergy destruction
3.3 Decreasing thermal exergy obtained by the processed air
3.3.1 Factors influencing thermal exergy
3.3.2 Case studies
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Effects of Adsorption Isotherms and Rotation Speed on Regeneration Temperature
4.1 The equilibrium isotherms of the desiccant wheel
4.2 Air dehumidification at high and low relative humidity
4.2.1 System description
4.2.2 Air handling processes of different cases
4.3 Effects of RS, C and Wmax on treg
4.3.1 Effects of RS on treg
4.3.2 Suggested C and Wmax and the recommended RS Ranges
4.4 Discussions
4.4.1 Theoretical analysis of the effects of C for different dehumidification applications
4.4.2 Influencing factors of the recommended RS ranges
4.4.3 Case studies
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Irreversible Processes of Dehumidification Systems with Single Stage Desiccant Wheel
5.1 Performance analysis of a reversible DDCS
5.1.1 Introduction of the reversible DDCS
5.1.2 Performance analysis of the ideal DDCS
5.1.3 Effects of non-ideal processes on the performance of the DDCS
5.2 Performance analysis of the ventilation cycle
5.2.1 System description and performance index
5.2.2 Performance analysis of the ventilation cycle
5.2.3 Effects of wheel thickness and heat recovery efficiency
5.3 Performance improvement of the actual system
5.3.1 Avoiding over-dehumidification
5.3.2 Adopting a heat pump system in place of the electrical heater
5.3.3 Performance comparison
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Performance Influencing Factors of Single-Stage Desiccant Wheel Dehumidification Systems
6.1 Performance of the ventilation system
6.1.1 System description of BVS
6.1.2 Performances of BVS
6.2 Exergetic analysis of the ventilation system
6.2.1 Performance influencing factors for the ventilation system
6.2.2 Exergy analysis of BVS
6.3 Improved systems for the ventilation system
6.3.1 Avoiding over dehumidification of DW
6.3.2 Adopting the heat pump as the heating source
6.3.3 Performance comparison of the three systems
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Performance Analyses of an Advanced System with Single-Stage Desiccant Wheel
7.1 Methodology
7.1.1 Working principles of the proposed dehumidification systems
7.1.2 Performance evaluation indexe