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ContentsChapter1 Overview of Fuel Resources for Blast Furnace Injection11.1 Overview of the development of injection fuel for blast furnace11.2 Overview of the development of pulverized coal injection for blast furnace21.3 Chapter summary5References5Chapter 2 Technology and Industrial Application of Low Rank Coal Injection into Blast Furnace72.1 Metallurgical properties of bituminous coal and lignite72.1.1 Proximate analysis72.1.2 Ultimate analysis122.1.3 Ash composition analysis162.1.4 Ash melting point182.1.5 Calorific value212.1.6 Grindability282.1.7 Adhesion302.1.8 Ignition point312.1.9 Explosibility332.1.10 Flowability and injectability362.1.11 Combustibility402.1.12 Reactivity452.2 Interaction law of mixed injection of bituminous coal,lignite and anthracite472.2.1 The influence of bituminous coal and lignite on the basic performance of blended coal472.2.2 Effects of bituminous coal and lignite on ignition point and explosiveness of mixed coal482.2.3 Effect of bituminous coal and lignite on combustibility of blended coal492.2.4 Effects of bituminous coal and lignite on gasification reactivity of blended coal502.2.5 Research on optimization of coal blending scheme512.3 Effect of particle size on combustion performance of lowrank coal522.3.1 Effect of particle size on combustibility of anthracite522.3.2 Effect of particle size on the combustibility of bituminous coal532.3.3 Effect of particle size on combustibility of lignite542.3.4 Combustion characteristics and kinetic analysis of pulverized coal with different particle size552.3.5 Effect of particle size on combustibility of mixed coal622.4 Full bituminous coal injection technology and industrial application632.4.1 Safety assessment and rectification of blast furnace coal injection system632.4.2 Operating rules for blast furnace full injection of bituminous coal662.4.3 Industrial application practice of blast furnace full injection of bituminous coal682.5 High proportion lignite injection technology and industrial application732.5.1 Current situation of coal injection in blast furnace of lingsteel742.5.2 Industrial experiment plan design742.5.3 Industrial experiment results analysis762.6 Chapter summary78References79Chapter 3 Technology and Industrial Application of SemiCoke Injection into Blast Furnace813.1 Overview of semicoke813.2 Metallurgical properties of semicoke823.2.1 Proximate analysis of semicoke823.2.2 Ultimate analysis of semicoke 843.2.3 Ash composition analysis853.2.4 Ash melting point863.2.5 Heating value883.2.6 Grindability893.2.7 Adhesion903.2.8 Ignition point and explosivity913.2.9 Flowability and injectability923.2.10 Combustibility933.2.11 Gasification characteristic963.3 Combustion characteristics and mechanism of semicoke mixed with injected coal983.3.1 Experimental samples and methods983.3.2 TG/DTG curve analysis of combustion of single semicoke and single bituminous coal993.3.3 TG/DTG curve analysis of mixed combustion of semicoke and bituminous coal in different proportions1003.3.4 Combustion characteristic index analysis.1013.3.5 Mechanism analysis of factors affecting combustion characteristics1033.4 Effect of semicoke addition on metallurgical properties of mixed coal1063.4.1 Effect of semicoke addition on safety performance of mixed coal1063.4.2 Influence of adding semicoke on the reactivity of mixed coal gasification1073.5 Regulation of grindability of semicoke and optimization of injection size1103.5.1 Control technology for grindability of semicoke1103.5.2 Optimization of mixing size of semicoke and injection coal1113.6 Mixed injection technology and industrial application of semicoke and pulverized coal1153.6.1 Current situation of coal injection into the blast furnace of Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co.,Ltd.1153.6.2 Determination of industrial experiment plan1163.6.3 Comparative analysis of blast furnace smelting parameters1183.7 Analysis of energy saving and emission reduction effect of semi coke injection1233.7.1 Energy consumption of ironmaking process1233.7.2 CO2 emission of ironmaking process1243.7.3 Effect of semicoke powder injection on energy saving and emission reduction of blast furnace1253.8 Chapter summary130References131Chapter 4 Basic Research on Blast Furnace Biomass Injection Technology1334.1 Overview of biomass1334.2 Study on physicochemical properties of biomass char1344.2.1 Experimental materials and preparation1344.2.2 Biomass char yield1354.2.3 Proximate and ultimate analysis1364.2.4 Microscopic morphology analysis1364.2.5 Specific surface area and pore structure analysis1394.2.6 Microcrystalline structure analysis1414.3 Study on combustion characteristics of biomass char/pulverized coal in case of mixed injection1444.3.1 Experimental materials and methods1454.3.2 Mixed combustion characteristics and synergistic effect of biomass char/pulverized coal1464.3.3 Kinetic analysis of biomass char/pulverized coal mixed combustion1614.4 Effect of unburned residual carbon from biomass semicoke on properties of blast furnace coke and slag1664.4.1 Effect of unburned residual carbon on coke gasification reaction1674.4.2 Effect of unburned residual carbon on viscosity of blast furnace slag1774.5 Study on the changes in smelting parameters of mixed injection of biomass char and pulverized coal into blast furnace1854.5.1 Establishment of material and heat balance model for blast furnace smelting1864.5.2 Changes in smelting parameters of blast furnace mixed injection biomass semicoke and pulverized coal1934.6 Chapter summary199References200Chapter 5 Basic Research and Industrial Application of HydrogenRich Fuel Injection into Blast Furnace2035.1 Brief introduction of blast furnace injection of hydrogenrich fuel2035.2 Mixed injection of natural gas and pulverized coal into blast furnace2055.2.1 Overview of natural gas injection into blast furnace2055.2.2 Impact of mixed injection of natural gas and coal on the utilization coefficient of blast furnace2065.2.3 Effect of mixed injection of natural gas and coal on slag performance2075.2.4 Effect of mixed injection of natural gas and coal on operating parameters of blast furnace2085.2.5 Impact of natural gas injection rate on the coal combustion process2095.2.6 Impact of natural gas injection rate and coal ratio on the coal combustion process2145.2.7 The effect of mixed injection of natural gas and pulverized coal into blast furnace on the volume of gas in the bosh2175.3 Injection of coke oven gas into blast furnace2195.3.1 Significance and advantages of coke oven gas injection into blast furnace2195.3.2 Development history of coke oven gas injection into blast furnaces at home and abroad2205.3.3 Process flow of coke oven gas injection into blast furnace2215.3.4 Effect of coke oven gas injection on the smelting law of blast furnace2235.4 Chapter summary232References232Chapter 6 Prospects for the Development of Blast Furnace Injection Fuel Resources in China233

