Conducting Polymers with Micro or Nanometer Structure describes a topicdiscovered by three winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000: AlanJ. Heeger, University of California at Santa Barbara, Alan G. MacDiarmid at the University of Pennsylvania, and Hideki Shirakawa at the University ofTsukuba. Since then, the unique properties of conducting polymers have ledto promising applications in functional materials and technologies. The bookfirst briefly summarizes the main concepts of conducting polymers beforeintroducing micro/nanostructured conducting polymers dealing with theirsynthesis, structural characterizations, formation mechanisms, physical and chemical properties, and potential applications in nanomaterials andnanotechnology. The book is intended for researchers in the related fieldsof chemistry, physics, materials, nanomaterials and nanodevices. MeixiangWan is a professor at the Institute .of Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing.