陕西省旬邑县枣林河滩遗址仰韶文化遗存发掘简报 西北大学文化遗产学院陕西省考古研究院旬邑县文物旅游局(1)
陕西澄城县周代遗址考古调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院(12)
湖北荆州高台古井群 2012年考古发掘简报 荆州博物馆(29)
尚义土城子遗址调查、钻探与试掘简报 河北师范大学历史文化学院北京大学考古文博学院张家口市文物考古研究所(60)
西安市东郊高楼村六座小型唐墓的发掘 西北大学文化遗产学院西安市文物保护考古研究院(79)
西安东郊高楼村明清时期墓葬的发掘 西北大学文化遗产学院西安市文物保护考古研究院(93)
临潼康家遗址客省庄文化遗存分期再探讨 崔俊俊(110)
河南地区史前城址的筑城技术研究 金峰槿(126)
殷墟陶器的制作技术——重读李济《殷墟陶器研究》 郭梦李建西(143)
历史与评述(2):考古学关于春秋史的分期和断代研究——考古学和文献史学“二重证据”视角下的春秋史分期断代研究(二) 路国权(159)
“秦制”探析——基于秦始皇陵的观察 张卫星(186)
秦始皇被“妖魔化”的考古学分析 同杨阳段清波(202)
西汉诸侯王后墓出土兵器现象分析 谢绮(211)
司马金龙墓屏风漆画散论 韦正马铭悦(219)
2017年三国两晋南北朝考古发现与研究述评 郭晓涛(234)
魏晋马具与其对东北亚马具产生的影响 李铉宇(254)
略论新疆库车出土的一枚铜印章所反映的文化因素 冉万里(267)
元代朱德润《轧赖机酒赋》探微 钱耀鹏(281)
非洲早期人类的食谱研究:方法、现状与展望 李文成(293)
隋史射勿墓壁画支撑体用环氧树脂的老化分析 李倩刘成武瑛(304)
红军标语的保护研究现状与展望 孙满利崔梦鹤(317)
环境因素对出土酒液的影响研究 朱博文杨璐温睿李倩(323)
“先周与西周:文化、聚落、社会的延续与变革”会议纪要 宋阿倩豆海锋(333)
Investigation and discovery
Brief Report of Excavation of Yangshao Culture Remains of the Zaolinhetan Site in Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology The Cultural Relics and Tourism Bureau of Xunyi County(11)
A Brief Investigation Report of Zhou Archaeological Site in Chengcheng Shaanxi Province School of Cultural Heritage, Northwestern University(28)
A Brief Report on the Excavation in 2012 of Gaotai Ancient Wells in Jingzhou Jingzhou Museum(59)
A Brief Report of the Survey, Drilling and Trial Excavation of Tuchengzi Site in Shangyi County School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University Zhangjiakou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology(78)
Excavation of Six Small Tang Tombs in Gaolou Village Which is at Eastern Suburbs of Xi’an City School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xi’an Cultural Relics and Archaeological Research Institute(92)
Excavation of Ming and Qing Dynasty Graves in Gaolou Village Which is at Eastern Suburbs of Xi’an City School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xi’an Cultural Relics and Archaeological Research Institute(108)
Prehistoric and Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties Archaeological Studies
Re-discussion about Periodization of Keshengzhuang Culture in the Kangjia Site Cui Junjun(125)
A Study on the Construction Technology of Prehistoric City Site in the Henan Region Kim Bonggeun(142)
Pottery Manufactureing Technology in Yinxu: Rereading Li Ji’s “A Study of Pottery in Yinxu” Guo Meng, Li Jianxi(157)
Review and Comment (2): Studies on the Age and Stage Classification of the Spring and Autumn Period in the Field of Archaeology——Study on the Age and Stage Classification of the Spring and Autumn Period from the Perspective of “Dual Evidence” of History and Archaeology (Ⅱ) Lu Guoquan(185)
Exploration and Analysis of the Qin System: the Observation about the Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Zhang Weixing(200)
The Archaeological Analysis on Emperor Qinshihuang’s Demonization Tong Yangyang, Duan Qingbo(210)
The Exploration on the Weapons in the Tombs of Princesses in Western Han Period Xie Qi(218)
A Discussion of the Lacquer-drawing on the Folding Screen of Sima Jinlong Cemetery Wei Zheng, Ma Mingyue(233)
Review the Archaeological Discoveries and Researches about the Three Kingdoms, the Western and Eastern Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties in 2017 Guo Xiaotao(253)
The Silk Road and Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges
The Harness of Wei and Jin Period and Its Influence to the Harness of Northeast Asia Lee Hyunwoo(265)
Brief Discussion on the Cultural Factors Reflected by A Copper Seal Unearthed in Kuche County, Xinjiang Province Ran Wanli(279)
Deep Exploration on Zhalaiji Liquor Ode Written by Zhu Derun of Yuan Dynasty Qian Yaopeng(292)
Science and technology archaeology and cultural relics protection
The Researches of the Diet of Early Hominins in Africa: Methodology, Processes and Prospection Li Wencheng(303)
Aging Analysis of Epoxy Resin Used for Supporting Body of the Mural Painting in the Sui Prime Minister Shi Shewu’s Tomb Li Qian, Liu Cheng, Wu Ying(316)
The Status And Prospect about Study on Protection of the Red Army Slogan Sun Manli, Cui Menghe(322)
The Influence of Environmental Factors on Ancient Wine Zhu Bowen, Yang Lu, Wen Rui, Li Qian(331)
Minutes of the meeting
Summary of the Culture, Settlements, Social Continuity and Reform of the Predynastic Zhou and Western Zhou Song Aqian, Dou Haifeng(338)