第一篇 BOT模式总承包项目概述
Part 1 Overview of General Contracting Project in BOT Mode
第一章 BOT项目施工总承包概述 3
Chapter 1 Overview of General Construction Contract for BOT Project 3
1.1 施工总承包法规政策背景 3
1.1 Regulation and policy background of general construction contract 3
1.1.1 BOT项目定义 3
1.1.1 Definition of BOT project 3
1.1.2 BOT项目施工总承包定义 4
1.1.2 Definition of general construction contract in BOT mode 4
1.1.3 BOT项目施工总承包政策合规性分析 4
1.1.3 Policy compliance analysis of general construction contract in BOT mode 4
1.2 施工总承包市场分析 5
1.2 Market analysis of general construction contract 5
1.2.1 BOT高速公路总承包项目市场分析 5
1.2.1 Market analysis of general contracting project of expressway in BOT mode 5
1.2.2 BOT项目施工总承包主体确立 5
1.2.2 Establishment of the main contractor of BOT project 5
第二章 施工总承包建设模式分析 7
Chapter 2 Analysis of General Construction Contract Mode 7
2.1 BOT项目施工总承包建设模式 7
2.1 General construction contract mode of BOT project 7
2.1.1 施工总承包职责和主要管理内容 7
2.1.1 General contracting duties and main management contents 7
2.1.2 施工总承包单位与监理单位的职责关系 7
2.1.2 Duties relationship between the general construction contractor and the supervisor 7
2.1.3 施工总承包单位与参建各方的关系 8
2.1.3 Relationship between the general construction contractor and the parties involved in the construction 8
2.2 施工总承包建设管理优势分析 8
2.2 Advantage analysis of general construction contracting management 8
2.2.1 从纯投资性的社会资本方的角度分析 8
2.2.1 Analysis from the perspective of the social investor for pure investment 8
2.2.2 从项目总承包人的角度分析 9
2.2.2 Analysis from the perspective of the general contractor 9
2.2.3 从项目业主实施项目管理的角度分析 9
2.2.3 Analysis from the perspective of the project proprietor 9
2.2.4 从政府行业主管部门的角度分析 11
2.2.4 Analysis from the perspective of the government department 11
2.3 施工总承包管理的必要性 11
2.3 The necessity of general contracting management 11
2.3.1 提升项目建设管理价值的必要性 12
2.3.1 The necessity of improving the value of project construction management 12
2.3.2 施工总承包企业转型升级的必要性 12
2.3.2 The necessity of transforming and upgrading of general contracting enterprises 12
2.3.3 施工总承包企业实现产业链拉动的必要性 12
2.3.3 The necessity of realizing the industrial chain pulling for general contracting enterprises 12
2.3.4 施工总承包企业提升管理能力的必要性 13
2.3.4 The necessity of improving management capacity for general contracting enterprises 13
2.3.5 规避或降低项目建设风险的必要性 13
2.3.5 The necessity of circumventing or reducing project construction risks 13
2.4 施工总承包建设管理的意义 13
2.4 Significance of general contracting management 13
第二篇 项目启动准备阶段管理
Part 2 Management in Project Start-up Preparation Stage
第三章 建设项目实施筹备工作 17
Chapter 3 Implementation Preparations of Construction Projects 17
3.1 法人治理结构和项目公司组建 17
3.1 Corporate governance structure and project company formation 17
3.1.1 法人治理结构 17
3.1.1 Corporate governance structure 17
3.1.2 项目公司组建 18
3.1.2 Project company formation 18
3.2 BOT项目管理的目标和任务 20
3.2 Objectives and tasks of BOT project management 20
3.3 BOT项目前期沟通和商洽 22
3.3 Early communication and negotiation of BOT project 22
3.3.1 与行业主管部门沟通 22
3.3.1 Communication with industry authority 22
3.3.2 与牵头政府沟通 22
3.3.2 Communication with the lead government 22
3.3.3 与实施机构沟通 22
3.3.3 Communication with the implementing agency 22
3.3.4 特许权协议商洽及经营重点 23
3.3.4 Concession agreement negotiation and management focus 23
3.4 项目核准及融资管理 23
3.4 Project approval and financing management 23
3.4.1 项目立项或核准 23
3.4.1 Project approval 23
3.4.2 融资商洽及合同签订 24
3.4.2 Financing negotiation and contract signing 24
3.5 业主方招标管理 24
3.5 Proprietor's bidding management 24
3.5.1 招标代理机构比选 25
3.5.1 Comparison of bidding agencies 25
3.5.2 开展设计招标工作 26
3.5.2 Carrying out design bidding work 26
3.5.3 设计咨询比选 28
3.5.3 Comparison of design consultation 28
3.5.4 监理和试验检测单位招标 29
3.5.4 The bidding of supervising and testing organization 29
3.5.5 施工总承包单位选择 32
3.5.5 Selection of general construction contractor 32
3.5.6 征地拆迁协议组成及商洽 33
3.5.6 Composition and negotiation of the agreements on land acquisition and demolition 33
3.6 施工总承包方招标管理 34
3.6 Bidding management of general construction contractor 34
3.6.1 施工分包方招标选择 34
3.6.1 Bidding selection of construction subcontractors 34
3.6.2 检测单位比选 35
3.6.2 Comparison and selection of testing organizations 35
3.6.3 保险单位比选 36
3.6.3 Comparison and selection of insurance organizations 36
3.6.4 法律顾问的比选聘用 38
3.6.4 Comparison and selection of legal counsels 38
3.6.5 技术专家聘用 39
3.6.5 Hiring of technical experts 39
3.7 建设相关方管理 39
3.7 Management of the relevant construction parties 39
3.7.1 总承包单位管理 39
3.7.1 Mangement of general construction contractor 39
3.7.2 设计管理 42
3.7.2 Mangement of design organization 42
3.7.3 咨询管理 43
3.7.3 Mangement of consulting organization 43
3.7.4 监理管理 44
3.7.4 Mangement of supervision organiz