GeneraI Theory
1 Introduction
2 Geographic and Economic Approaches in Regional Growth
3 Aim and Structure of the Thesis
4 Data Sources
5 Methodology
6 Summary of the Three Papers
7 Econoic Growth beyong the Swedish Context——a Brief Comparison
8 Epilogue
Regional and Structural Factors in Swedish Regional Growth during the 1990s
1 Introduction
2 Sweden and Swedish Regional Growth during the 1990s
3 Method.Data and Definition
4 Decomposing the Model of Regional Growth into Regional and Structural Factors
5 Resuhs and Analysis
6 Conclusions
Attractive vicinities
1 Introduction
2 Spatial Organisation and Place Atractiveness——a Conceptual Model
3 Empirical Analysis
4 Method
5 Results
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
Localised Conditions for Economic GrOwth——Testing the Endogenous Growth Hypothesis
1 Introduction
2 Localised Conditions for Economic Growth-a Conceptual Model
3 Data and Variables
4 Method
5 Results
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion