许晨,山东省作家协会副主席、鲁迅文学奖得主、一级作家、《山东文学》杂志社原社长兼主编、青岛市政协委员、青岛市专业技术拔尖人才。2014 年6 月至8 月,许晨受国家海洋局、中国大洋协会之邀,随同我国深海潜水器“蛟龙”号前往太平洋科学考察。他走进一线,体验生活,经受住了种种考验,积累了丰厚的素材,为撰写反映我国载人潜水器研发海试及其重大意义的长篇报告文学《蛟龙探海》奠定了坚实的基础。
Xu Chen is Vice Chairman of the Shandong Writers Association, winner of Lu Xun Literature Award, a first-grade writer, former President and Chief Editor of the Shandong Literature Magazine, a member of the Qingdao Municipal Political Consultative Conference and a highly regarded professional and technical talent in Qingdao.
From June to August 2014, at the invitation of the State Oceanic Administration and the China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association, Xu Chen accompanied China’s deep-sea submersible, the Jiaolong, on its scientific expedition to the Pacific Ocean where he gained personal experience, stood the test of endurance and collected many stories. With these rich materials as a solid foundation, he wrote Jiaolong’s Sea Explorations, a full-length documentary-style literary work recording the development, the sea trials and the significance of China’s manned submersible.