无酒不成宴。酒可助兴舒压,使长者重焕青春,年轻者愈发朝气。适度而饮,乃绝佳助兴之物。北方偏寒之地盛产高粱, 高粱酒之烈更甚于俄罗斯伏特加与英伦杜松子,饮者甚众。
No dinner is complete without wine, which brings joy and drives away depression, and makes the old feel young and the young still more youthful. Taken in moderation, it is undoubtedly an excellent stimulant. In the far north where the climate is cold and kaoliang abundant, Kaoliang wine, which is somewhat stronger than Russian vodka or English gin, is commonly drunk.
In Central China a milder drink known as Shaohsing wine—named after its producing centre in Chekiang—is very popular. It is the wine of China. It has another name Hua Tiao (花雕) meaning flower decoration, because the jars in which the wine is kept usually bear a floral decoration. When a girl is born, it is the common practice for the parents to make several jars of Shaohsing wine, the quantity depending upon the size of their purse, and keep them in a cool and dark room, until their daughter is married, so that on her wedding day, they will have at least some good old wine with which to entertain their guests.
In the South, where the climate is much warmer, a still milder drink known as Liao Pan (料半) meaning half strength, is commonly used. Stronger varieties , the double distilled (双蒸) and triple distilled (三蒸) are, however, obtainable. The flavouring of the wine is usually added afterwards, such as orange blossom (橙花) and green plum (青梅).
Though Confucius was very particular in regard to food, his list of undesirable foodstuffs being a long one, he was not so with wine, as apparently all wines were acceptable to him. There are no records as to his capacity, but he is believed to have been a good drinker like the rest of those ancient scholars.
My own capacity does not exceed one wine cup of Sha- ohsing, so I am really not qualified to say much on the art of drinking. Perhaps it is well, for it is a subject in which I suspect our Western friends can give Eastern folk quite a few lessons.
In days gone by, good wine was named after an official in Chingchow. By a strange coincidence, the best Shaohsing wine obtainable at the wine merchant Wong Yu Ho in Shanghai is called LL. D. wine, after a famous Chinese lawyer who was one of his best customers. To secure some of this brand for my own use I have to go to the shop armed with a note from my legal friend as I know full well that I would not get it otherwise; the shop will not supply it to anyone who they think will not appreciate it.
The lawyer is now in Geneva, but I do not doubt that this shop continues to supply him with his favourite wine.
According to our ideas tea should be drunk in quiet surroundings, while wine should be accompanied by song. This may be the reason why restaurants are always noisy.
5 再版序言
11 序一
15 序二
21 自序
22 家庭主妇与烹饪
25 烹饪的艺术
26 烹饪之方法
29 调味法
29 面粉之用法
30 选料
30 侍餐
32 宴席
33 酒席
34 家厨酒席
35 家常便饭
51 餐桌礼仪
52 座位安排
54 中国餐仪之禁
55 执箸
56 持碗
59 餐桌食具
62 茶
68 酒与歌
72 炊具
78 配料与调料
78 酱油
78 绍兴酒
78 冬菇
79 蘑菇汤
79 山楂饼
79 竹笋
80 姜
80 葱
83 基础类
93 禽类
133 肉类
165 河海鲜类
203 菜蔬类
229 汤类
247 甜点心
261 面食
302 建议菜单
314 索引
319 后记