DPDK\OpenFlow\SDN\OpenDaylight\OpenStack\容器\Kubernetes网络\ Service Mesh等,堪称5G时代基础技术集!
● 开源网络组织及生态
● OpenFlow
● Linux虚拟网络
● 高性能数据平面
● OpenDaylight
● OpenStack网络
● Kubernetes网络
● Service Mesh
● 网络编排与集成
《Linux开源网络全栈详解:从DPDK到OpenFlow》基于Linux基金会划分的开源网络技术层次框架,对处于主导地位的、较为流行的开源网络项目进行阐述,包括DPDK、OpenDaylight、Tungsten Fabric、OpenStack Neutron、容器网络、ONAP、OPNFV等。本书内容主要围绕各个项目的起源与发展、实现原理与框架、要解决的网络问题等方面展开讨论,致力于帮助读者对Linux开源网络技术的实现与发展形成完整、清晰的认识。本书语言通俗易懂,能够带领读者快速走入Linux开源网络的世界并做出自己的贡献。
第1章 Linux开源网络 1
1.1 开源网络组织 1
1.1.1 云计算与三大基金会 1
1.1.2 LFN 3
1.2 网络标准及架构 4
1.2.1 OpenFlow 4
1.2.2 SDN 10
1.2.3 P4 14
1.2.4 ETSI的NFV参考架构 17
1.3 Linux开源网络生态 19
1.3.1 开源硬件 20
1.3.2 虚拟交换 21
1.3.3 Linux操作系统 22
1.3.4 网络控制 23
1.3.5 云平台 24
1.3.6 网络编排 27
1.3.7 网络数据分析 27
1.3.8 网络集成 28
第2章 Linux虚拟网络 29
2.1 TAP/TUN设备 30
2.2 Linux Bridge 32
2.3 MACVTAP 33
2.4 Open vSwitch 35
2.5 Linux Network Namespace 37
2.6 iptables/NAT 42
2.7 虚拟网络隔离技术 45
2.7.1 虚拟局域网(VLAN) 45
2.7.2 虚拟局域网扩展(VxLAN) 47
2.7.3 通用路由封装GRE 49
2.7.4 通用网络虚拟化封装(Geneve) 50
第3章 高性能数据平面 52
3.1 高性能数据面基础 54
3.1.1 内核旁路 54
3.1.2 平台增强 59
3.1.3 DPDK 65
3.2 NFV和NFC基础设施 72
3.2.1 网络功能虚拟化 72
3.2.2 从虚拟机到容器的网络I/O虚拟化 78
3.2.3 NFVi平台设备抽象 81
3.3 OVS-DPDK 86
3.3.1 OVS-DPDK 概述 86
3.3.2 OVS-DPDK性能优化 93
3.4 FD.IO:用于报文处理的用户面网络协议栈 98
3.4.1 VPP 98
3.4.2 FD.IO子项目 101
3.4.3 与OpenDaylight 和OpenStack集成 107
3.4.4 vBRAS 109
第4章 网络控制 112
4.1 OpenDaylight 114
4.1.1 ODL社区 114
4.1.2 ODL体系结构 115
4.1.3 YANG 120
4.1.4 ODL子项目 122
4.1.5 ODL应用实例 125
4.2 Tungsten Fabric 126
4.2.1 Tungsten Fabric体系结构 126
4.2.2 Tungsten Fabric 转发平面 134
4.2.3 Tungsten Fabric实践 138
4.2.4 Tungsten Fabric应用实例 145
4.2.5 Tungsten Fabric与OpenStack集成 146
第5章 OpenStack网络 147
5.1 OpenStack网络演进 150
5.2 Neutron体系结构 152
5.2.1 网络资源模型 152
5.2.2 网络实现模型 159
5.2.3 Neutron软件架构 164
5.3 Neutron Plugin 165
5.3.1 ML2 Plugin 165
5.3.2 Service Plugin 170
5.4 Neutron Agent 174
第6章 容器网络 177
6.1 容器 177
6.1.1 容器技术框架 180
6.1.2 Docker 184
6.1.3 Kubernetes 188
6.2 Kubernetes网络 196
6.2.1 Pod内部的容器间通信 196
6.2.2 Pod间通信 197
6.2.3 Pod与Service之间的网络通信 199
6.2.4 Kubernetes外界与Service之间的网络通信 202
6.3 Kubernetes CNI 202
6.4 Service Mesh 209
6.4.1 Sidecar模式 211
6.4.2 开源Service Mesh方案 213
6.5 OpenStack容器网络项目Kuryr 217
6.5.1 Kuryr起源 217
6.5.2 Kuryr架构 217
第7章 网络编排与集成 221
7.1.1 ETSI标准化进展 221
7.1.2 OASIS TOSCA 223
7.1.3 开源编排器 224
7.2 ONAP 228
7.2.1 ONAP基本框架 230
7.2.2 ONAP应用场景 234
7.3 OPNFV 237
7.3.1 OPNFV上游 238
7.3.2 OPNFV项目 245
7.3.3 OPNFV CI 251
7.3.4 OPNFV典型用例 252
Network functions are rapidly transforming from being delivered on proprietary, purpose-built hardware to capabilities running on intelligent and composable infrastructure. We are transforming the network from a statically configured and inflexible offering, to a network which can be provisioned to specific end users, specific verticals and specific needs on a standard server-based infrastructure. Greater customer value is being derived from this flexibility and programmability.
The foundation of the 5G network requires an intelligent infrastructure built on NFV and SDN-based architecture that takes advantage of server volume economics, virtualization and cloud technologies. This enables new services to be deployed more quickly and cost effectively. Intel has a growing portfolio of products and technologies that deliver solutions to help network transformation, bringing advanced performance and intelligence from the network edge to the core of the data center.
Open source software is one key part of the portfolio, which unlocks the platform capabilities of the network for packet processing. Intel invented the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK), later co-founded as an open source project, and currently leads its growth with the community, helping make DPDK a de-facto standard for packet processing. In addition to DPDK, Intel has significantly contributed to other important open source projects, including Open Virtual Switch (OVS), FD.io, Vector Packet Processing (VPP) for network stack, Tungsten Fabric (TF) for virtual router, and HYPERSCAN for pattern matching.
We have a skilled and committed team in China who have contributed to these open source projects over the years, and continue to collaborate with our partners in these communities to solve challenging network problems. As a good linkage with the Chinese ecosystem, it is with great pride that the team presents this book as a resource to help contributors who want to get involved, influence communities, and drive continued innovation.
Sandra Rivera
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Network Platforms Group
Intel 5G Executive Sponsor
The rise of Cloud and Edge computing has brought about a shift in networking technology. Increasingly, purpose-built physical systems are being replaced with flexible, adaptable solutions built on open source technology. Open software is driving the innovation that powers this evolution, with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and network function virtualization paving the way for tremendous growth in connected services.
Intel is a strong contributor to open source software across technologies and market segments. Intel has been a leader in advancing the open networking ecosystem, contributing to projects such as the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) for data plane acceleration; Open Virtual Switch (OVS) and Vector Packet Processing (VPP) for virtual switch; OpenStack Neutron, OpenDaylight (ODL) and Tungsten Fabric (TF) for SDN; the Open Networking Automation Platform (ONAP) for orchestration and automation; and Open Platform Network Function Virtualization (OPNFV).
This book draws from the deep experience of Intel software engineers who work in open source networking communities and discusses how these projects fit as part of a complete stack for cloud infrastructure. We are proud to offer this resource to help contributors who want to get involved, influence communities, and drive continued innovation.
Imad Sousou
Corporate Vice President, Intel Corporation
General Manager, Intel System Software Products