第一章 《山海经》始话海洋
The Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Beginning of Chinese Legends of Seas
In ancient times, Gonggong, the God of Water, in anger, knocked his head against Buzhou Mountain, one of the pillars that held up the sky. He broke the pillar in half causing one corner of the earth to collapse. In order to save her people, Nüwa, Mother of the Earth, smelted rocks of five colours and used them to patch up the sky. Then she used the feet of a giant turtle to prop up the four corners of the sky. Yet the universe was unable to restore its balance. Consequently, the rivers converged and transformed into a vast ocean.
随着海的诞生,海上的神明便出现了,东海海神禺虢、南海海神不廷胡余、西海海神弇兹、北海海神禺强在《山海经》中都有所记载。《山海经》中的《海经》部分足足有十三卷, 而华夏文明关于海洋的诸多神话就来源于此。《山海经》反映了古代先民对于海洋的认知、探索与向往,体现了强烈的人文精神和鲜明浓郁的海洋文化特色,对中国海洋文化的形成影响深远。据记载,北海海神禺强是一位人面鸟身的神明, 他的双耳以青蛇作装饰,脚下踏着两条赤蛇,下面我们要讲的故事就与这位海神有关。
After that, the sea gods appeared. The Classic of Mountains and SeasA portrays Yuguo, the god of the East Sea; Butinghuyu, the god of the South Sea; Yanzi, the god of the West Sea; and Yuqiang, the god of the North Sea. Thirteen of eighteen volumes of The Classic of Mountains and Seas are dedicated to the seas (Classic of the Seas) and are the origin of numerous Chinese sea myths. The Classic of Mountains and Seas has had a profound influence on Chinese marine culture. It is a reflection of our ancestors’ perception of and longing for the ocean. It also embodies a strong humanistic spirit and highlights the distinctive features of marine culture. The Classic of Mountains and Seas recounts the story of Yuqiang, a god with the head of a human and the body of a bird, who lived on an island in the middle of the North Sea. He hung two green snakes on his ears and trod two red snakes under his feet.
第一章 《山海经》始话海洋 001
第二章 八方海神佑平安 015
第三章 南海观音度众生 037
第四章 四海龙王遨天地 055
第五章 张生煮海情比金 071
第六章 鲛人泣珠报恩德 089
第七章 妈祖仁爱写传奇 107
第八章 八仙过海显神通 123
第九章 罗刹奇闻寓真知 139
第十章 海上仙山缥缈见 157