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  陈启文(Chen Qiwen)is a writer who has authored more than 20 books, chief among which are three novels, The Riverbed, Dream City, and The Clan of Righteousness; two essay collections, The Drifting and the Bank and The Lonely Traveler; and two nonfictions, Food Report of the People's Republic of China and The Lifeblood: A Survey of China's Hydropower Prolects.
  Yuan Longping, the world-renowned “Father of Hybrid Rice,” is an outsfanding agronomisf fromChina and winner of mulfiple awards including theNational Science and Technology Award, the WIPO GoldMedal for Invenfors, the UNESCO Science Prize, andthe World Food Prize. He has been devoted to hybridrice research since his early 20s and has established afechnological roadmap for super hybrid rice breeding.His accomplishmenfs have contributed to China's foodself-sufficiency and the world's food security.
  It was August 13,1929, the ninth day of lunar July of the Year of the Snake, and one of the sultriest days of a hot season in Peiping (today's Beijing and the then capital city of China). The heat was so unbearable that even the chirping of cicadas sounded like heavy panting. The sun was blazing down when the first cry of a baby was heard from the obstetrics department of Xiehe Hospital in Damucang Hutong, an alley lined with thick-foliaged trees in the westem part of Peiping city. That loud cry bursting through the repressiveness felt at the moment of birth was followed by a joyous cheer: "Ha, another chubby baby!On the other side of a door, a young father finally heaved a sigh of relief. He knew, as if by the mere sound of the cry,that it was his son entering the world. That might have been a father's instinct, but neither he nor anyone else around could have expected, amidst the cries and cheers, the birth of a person who would be later respected a great scientist.This baby would become the greatest of all Chinese farmers;he would be called Yuan Longping and dubbed the "Father of Hybrid Rice.Coincidentally, the hands that had midwifed the baby belonged to a great woman, Dr. Lin Qiaozhi,the famous "Mother of Ten Thousand Babies.Dr. Lin wrote down the baby's birth records in neat and beautiful handwriting, and pressed a foot of the baby on a sheet of white paper. And that was how Yuan Longping made his first-ever footprint.All these, however, had been buried in time, and that is how a defmite date had become obscured. Eighty years later,hot disputes over Yuan Longping's birth date were settled by the discovery of a dust-sealed birth document and the footprint. The date of his birth was Finally located in history The lunar month ofjuly was supposed to bring a bountiful harvest. Wheat should be reaped on the day of xiaoshu, or Minor Heat, and rice thrashed on dashu, or Big Heat. The sun of midsummer would have been ideal for sunning harvested crops. Sweet smells of fresh ripeness should have permeated cities and villages alike, and fresh flour and rice should have Filled the baskets of food shops.Yet the baby opened his eyes for the first time only to see a gloomy picture of the world under the scorching sun. The odorous smell of death was everywhere.
Chapter One YouthfuI Aspirations
Hard Times
The Two Sides of Hankou
YouthfuI Aspirations
The Choice of Destiny

Chapter Two Yuan Longping's Dream
Lost in the Maze
Yuan Longping's Dream
Goldbach's Conjecture in the Rice Kingdom
Inspiration from Nietzsche

Chapter Three The Man Chasing the Sun
In Search of the Natural Male Sterile Plant
“Food Is More Important Than Satellites.”
Saved from Disaster
Chasing the Sun

Chapter Four The Fifth Great Invention
The Breakthrough
Turning Addition to Multiplication
“Boasting Gets You Nowhere!”
The Last Step

Chapter Five The Second Green Revolution
A Seed That Changed the World
The Second Green Revolution
The “Two Line” Method: Another Chinese Invention
Who Will Feed China?
Challenging the Upper Limit

