刘作奎(Liu Zuokui),Ph.D.in History (2005), theSenior Research Fellow of CASS and the Director of theDepartment of Central and Eastern European Studies,Institute of European Studies, CASS, and SecretaryGeneral of the China——CEEC Think Tanks Exchange andCooperation Network.
Liu currently serves as the senior researcher of theDevelopment Research Center of State Council of China,research fellow of China Foundation of InternationalAffairs, research fellow of the Institute of Regional andGlobal Development Beijing Foreign Studies Universityand the senior researcher of Regional Security Center ofCASS.He once was the visiting scholar of MannheimUniversity of Germany (2007), Aoyama Gakuin Universityof Japan (2009), Polish Institute of International Affairs(2015) and Latvian Institute oflnternational Affairs (2016).
Liu's major research interest included: Central andEastern European Studies, Balkan Studies, European UnionIntegration Studies, China-EU Relations, QuantitativeResearch such as the Mutual Perception between Chinaand EU and Central and Eastern European Countries, theTurkish Issues and China-Turkish Relations and etc.