Terrorist activities have existed since ancient times, but systematic and organized terrorism with a certain ideology and a strong leadership for political purposes is a modern phenomenon. Nowadays, terrorists operate using different fabrications to justify their actions, and do not present themselves plainly; they often also become manipulated by different forces. Therefore, it is difficult for the international community to reach a consensus on the definition of terrorism. At different historical stages, the agendas for terrorism varied, and the banners they held came in different forms and purposes. However, its essence has always been consistent—terrorists are armed associations who incite their followers to use extreme violence against the general public for the sake of dangerous political agendas.
With social, scientific, and technological development, and with the added impetus of globalization, the forms of organization, types of activities, and means of attacks of terrorists constantly change. Terrorist threats are on the rise in all aspects—from the range of activities, the degree of harm, and the frequency of attacks, to the resulting casualties and the panic causes by the terrorist attacks. With the profound changes and transitions of the world, the intensification of various crises and conflicts provide terrorism with more opportunities, and the spread of terrorism has become increasingly fierce. In particular, the emergence of terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, have brought the threat and harm posed by terrorism to the international community to an unprecedented height.