Now enjoying the broadest possible democratic rights endowed bythe Constitution and other laws that they had never had in the pre-liberationsociety, former serfs engaged in elections with great enthusiasm, andelected organs and governments at various levels. For the first time inthe history of Tibet, local governments at various levels were elected ina democratic way through people's exercise of their right to vote and tostand for election. By July 1965, general elections had been basicallycompleted. Among the 2,600-plus deputies elected to the people's con-gresses, 2,200 were former impoverished serfs. In Gyantse County, voterscalled their electoral certificates “masters' certificates”. They saw elec-tions as joyous events and actively participated in the elections of depu-ties to the people's congresses.
On August 25, 1965, the bill to establish the Tibet Autonomous Re-gion, tabled by the State Council, was approved at the 15th Session ofthe Standing Committee of the Third National People's Congress. FromSeptember 1 to 9, 1965, the First Session of the First People's Congressof Tibet was held. At this session, the Tibet Autonomous Region was es-tablished, and the People's Committee of the autonomous region cameinto being by election. Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme was elected chairman of the Committee. A large number ofliberated serfs held leading posts in or-gans of political power at various levels of the Region. The establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the organs of self-government of the Region realized the historic leap from theocratic feudal serfdom to peo-ple's democratic socialism, and signified that Tibet had set up a people's democratic government and begun to exercise thorough-going regional ethnic autonomy. In 1979, the Standing Committee of the People's Con-gress of the Tibet Autonomous Region was elected at the Second Session of the Third People's Congress of the Region.
According to the Constitution and the Law on Regional Ethnic Au-tonomy of the People's Republic of China, people of all ethnic groups in Tibet fully enjoy the right to vote and to stand for election. Since 1978,Tibet has held 11 elections of deputies to the people's congresses at town-ship level, 10 at county level, and eight at the level of municipalities having subordinate districts. The people in Tibet can directly elect, in accordance with the law, deputies to the people's congresses at county (district) and township (town) levels, and these elected deputies will then elect deputies to the people's congresses at the autonomous regional and national lev-els. Through the people's congresses at various levels, the people of Tibet exercise their right to participation in the administration of state and local affairs.
Currently, there are 35,963 deputies to the people's congresses at all levels in Tibet. Among them, deputies from the Tibetan and other minor-ity ethnic groups account for 92.18 percent. Upholding the organic unity of Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance, the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Re-gion and its Standing Committee guarantee and develop the rights of the people of all ethnic groups to be their own masters through legislative and institutional channels, ensure that the people of all ethnic groups enjoy broad rights and freedom, and expand citizens' orderly political participa-tion. They provide support for the deputies to the people's congresses to perform their duties in accordance with the law. Maintaining close ties with the deputies and the people, they take responsibility for the people and accept their oversight. They work to safeguard the fundamental inter-ests of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet and promote well-rounded human development.