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ECNU REVIEW Vol.7/华夏学术(第7辑)
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高瑞泉,哲学博士,华东师范大学终身教授。主要著述有《天命的没落:中国近代唯意志论思潮研究》,《中国现代精神传统:中国现代性观念的谱系》,《从历史中发现价值》,《智慧之境》,《平等观念史论略》,合著有《中国近代社会思潮》、《转折时代的精神转折》等数种;主编“中国的现代性与人文学术”丛书、《中国思潮评论》丛刊。另有论文百余篇。为《华夏学术》(ECNU Review)第一辑、第二辑、第三辑和第四辑的主编。
  《ECNU REVIEW Vol.7/华夏学术(第7辑)》选取了刊登在《华东师范大学学报》以及国内其他核心期刊上的,人文社会科学(包括教育)方面的重要论文,体现了华东师范大学文科学术研究方面的新成果。
  《ECNU REVIEW Vol.7/华夏学术(第7辑)》:
  With the ideological connotation and acadenuc depth achieved in his writings, Mr. Chen Xulu has formed a kind of academic style that he calls "Si Bian (critical thinking)", and the theoretical thinking attribute expressed by it is obvious. However, in Mr. Chen's lectures to his students, and in his written texts to speeches, he never specifically talked about his historical structure and system in the sense of theory and methodology, Professor Xu Jilin, who had read Mr. Chen's works with his heart, was deeply impressed by this. Therefore, he used the phrase "the master needs no skills" - an expression similar to that to speak highly of him. And before the said praise by Professor Xu Jilin, such praises were heard a lot. After seeing all kinds of historical theories and historical methodologies, I look back at the 1980s and I will respond with the phrase "the master needs no skills". However, the academic circles nowadays are prone to erect their flags by theory and methodology, and are even eager to put others into category by using such theory and methodology. Thereafter, it is a fact that the outstanding works left by Mr. Chen feature the integration between history and thoughts in his study. While also being a fact, and being immersed into and trained by more than twenty years of theory and methodology, we still cannot find a suitable theory to categorize Mr. Chen's study that is featured with theoretical thinking. Therefore, using the "the master needs no skills" to describe Mr. Chen Xulu also denotes that the nowadays "omnipotent" theory and methodology cannot fully cover the history and history study. And those who reach a high level are often cannot be categorized.
  Compared with the theories and methodologies that have evolved over the past 20 years when the western learning is spreading to the east, the ancient Chinese scholars and historians have taken a different vision and another set of rationales. Liu Zhiji of the Tang dynasty, wrote a book Shitong and opened the precedent of Chinese and world historiography. There is a section in the Old Book of Tang that says:
  Zi Xuan ( Liu Zhiji) was in charge of the state history recording for more than 20 years, and many of his writings are highly praised. Zheng Weizhong, a ritual minister, once asked Zi Xuan, "Since ancient times, there have been many literature scholars but few talented lustorians, what is the reason therefor?" He answered, "Talented historians should have three strengthens, but there are none of those talents in the world, and therefore there are few talented historians. The 'three strengthens' refer to wisdom, knowledge and insight. If he only has knowledge but no wisdom, even he also own acres of fertile lands and tons of gold, he can not become a successful businessman. If he has wisdom but no knowledge, even he can think like a craftsman and master excellent skills, but if he has no woods and axes, he cannot build a palace. "
  Later, Zhang Xuecheng, from the Qing dynasty, cited the above and further put it, "It is not easy to have one of the 'wisdoms', 'knowledge' and 'insight' and it is even more difficult to have all of them. " Therefore, it is said that "the nobleness of history lies in the righteousness, the subject of history is the fact recording, and the vehicle of tustory is the text". For historians, the essence of the three things mentioned before is that "without insight the righteousness cannot be told; without wisdom the text cannot be well written; without knowledge the fact recording cannot be done". It is obvious that he attached great importance to the historical knowledge. Therefore, he started with this and expressed deeper thoughts:"He who has historical knowledge must follow the ethic of history recording. What is the ethic of history recording? It is the inner rules observed by the historiographer. "
Special Theme: Chen Xulu's Studies on the History of Modern China
Never Gone with the Wind: On Chen Xulu's Records of Free Thoughts
The "History" and "Thinking" of the Change of Concept: Rereading The Metabolism of Modern Chinese Society
Theoretical Thinkings of Chen Xulu's Historiography
Master of Historiography of "Questions Setting" and "The Master Needs No Skills"
The Enlightenment of Chen Xulu's "Metabolism" Thought on the Study of Asian History in Early Modem Times
Looking at the Beginning Triggers Strings of Floating Thoughts: Two Issues about Chen Xulu's Thought and Historical Research

Philosophical and Historical Studies
The Confucian Way as a Philosophical System
Knowledge and Action in a Deweyian Perspective
A Study of the Two Approaches to the Development of Positivist Historiography in Modern China

Studies in Social Sciences
Money in the Social Sciences: The Individual, Society, the State and Beyond
An Empirical Study of English Translations of Popular Chinese Neologisms and Their Acceptability
Exploring the Accountability Linkage between Local Congress Deputies and Constituents in China
Political Theory Learning in the Era of Media Convergence: A Case of "Core Socialist Values" on Chinese Central Media's Websites

Notes on Contributors

