Containing 6 parts and 12 topics, this book describes in detail the development of energy-saving and
new energy vehicles in China from the aspects of industrial environment, fuel consumption, product
development, technology application, hot topics, overseas Learning.
Industrial Environment. Give an overview of the development of energy-saving and new energy
vehicles from the aspects of energy, policy and industry.
Fuel Consumption. Analyze in a systematic way the administration status quo of fuel consumption
and the industrial development level of passenger cars and commercial vehicles in China.
Product Development. Analyze the product nature variation trend of passenger cars and new energy
vehicles and the relationship between the product nature variation and energy consumption variation.
Technology Application. Analyze the application of the energy-saving technologies of conventional
energy vehicles and key spare part technologies of new energy vehicles in China.
Hot Topics. First, evaluate main categories of passenger cars through energy-saving competitive edge
evaluation system. Second, from the technical perspective discuss the two hot topics of new energy
vehicles, namely the thermal management of electric vehicles and key technologies of vehicle fuel cells.
Overseas Learning. Describe the response of EU-28 to the difference between the real-world fuel
consumption and cycle-based fuel consumption.