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  徐斌(Xu Bin),A professor and doctoral supervisorat the School of Marxism, BeijingNormal University, and director ofthe university's Research Center ofMarxist System and Theory, Xu Binalso serves as a lecturing expert for acourse organized by the PublicityDepartment of the CPC Central Com-mittee and Guangming Daily: "100classes on core socialist values". He is areview expert for the National SocialScience Fund of China, and a keymember of the Marxist TheoryResearch and Development Programof the CPC Central Committee. Hispublications include Why China'sReform Can Succeed and A RationalChoice.
  Proceeding from the analyses of vivid cases and detailed stories, the book presents to the reader in five parts-the Chinese path, the Chinese theory, the Chinese system, the Chinese culture and the Chinese solution-the process through which the CPC explored,formed and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics.It analyzes various forces driving the developentof Chinese socialism and their interactive relations, soas to explain to a global audience China's great achievements and the source of its confidence.
  Proceeding from the analyses of vivid cases and detailed stories, the book presents to the reader in five parts-the Chinese path, the Chinese theory, the Chinese system, the Chinese culture and the Chinese solution-the process through which the CPC explored,formed and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics.It analyzes various forces driving the development of Chinese socialism and their interactive relations, soas to explain to a global audience China's great achievements and the source of its confidence.
  Chinese people have a historical claim to the Silk Road,as China was where the route originated and gave rise to the convergence and dissemination of Eastern and Western cultures - a confluence that would offer later generations a model for mutually beneficial cooperation. The seeds of such a peace were sown in the Ming Dynasty, when Chinese explorer Zheng He set off on his famous seve'n voyages, leaving a sense of friendly relations with the 30 plus countries he encountered along his route. In early modern times, however, China was isolationist in its attitude and overly confident in its own abilities. Our ancestors suffered a setback, and the country had to taste the bitter consequences ofits "closed-door policy", which ultimately led to China's poverty, lack of development, ignorance, and near demise.
  After the founding of the PRC, and since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's road has become ever wider.It has given the Chinese people a valuable lesson - the road to success cannot be built with an isolationist or reactionary mindset. China will only be understood by other nations if it engages with the world, which will in turn lead to mutual development and "win-win" results for both sides.
  As it has progressed along its path, China has gone from setting up Special Economic Zones to opening up coastal cities,river regions, and border areas, and eventually implementing all-around opening up. It has seen the successful conclusion of the APEC meeting and its own accession to the WTO.Through attracting foreign investment and doing business overseas, the country's road to opening up is getting more spacious. As the pace of this process gets faster, the road is having a far-reaching influence around the world.
Chapter 1 China's Path: The Road to Achieving a Major Country's Prosperity
The Foundations: Looking to the Soviet Union as a Lesson and Forging Our Own Path
Pioneering: Blazing a Trail
Going Further: A New Path of the Market Economy
A New Chapter: The Ripple Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative
The Prospect: Realizing the Dream of Becoming Strong

Chapter 2 Chinese Theory and Its Leading Role in the Nation's Rejuvenation
A Book Lights a Spark
"We Can Develop a Market Economy Under Socialism"
Reform Is China's Second Revolution
China's Greatest Priority Is Its People
Fighting for Self-Revolution
Green Mountains and Clear Waters Are Invaluable Assets
Chapter 3 The Chinese System: The Power of Protection in Social Development
Chapter 4 Chinese Culture Is the Spiritual Power of the Chinese Nation
Chapter 5 China's Initiative to Share Its Wisdom with the World Postcript

