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  张翼(Zhang Yi),Director of National Institute of Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Professor, doctoral supervisor, postdoctoral cooperative
  supervisor, President of the Society for Social Change.
  王镭(Wang Lei),the Director General oflnternational Cooperation Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ph.D. in Economics, the Board Member of the Chinese Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Board Member of the Chinese Association of European Studies as well as the Executive Director of the Silk Road Academy.
  This book pools the common wisdoms of academic think-tanks of China and Belarus, especially focuses on the latest economic and social development in China and Belarus, the prospects and progress of China-Belarus industrial park, the connectivity of China and Belarus in the Belt and Road, as well as the China-Belarus pragmatic cooperation in economy, trade, production,investment, digital economy and so on, shows the significance and demonstration effect by realizing win-win cooperation and sharing of development results through co-building the Belt and Road between China and Belarus.
  In his report, the Ambassador of the PRC noted that modernChina, is coping with international financial crisis and is developingdynamically and is already a leading global economy. The huge socio-economic leap China has been made since 1949 due to the implemen-tation of large-scale national programmes for the development of thescience, technology and innovation sectors in recent decades, inclu-ding the "863" Program of research in the field of high technologies with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the knowledge-based industry, the Spark Program that promotes the achievements of scien-tific-technical progress in the rural area, and the "Torch Program"that promotes the commercialization of scientific research and im-proves the status of manufacturers of high-tech products in the inter-national system of economic relations.
  Mr. Lu Guicheng emphasized that China's progress is explained not only by the mental features of the Chinese nation-diligence and thrift-but also by the attentive attitude to the ancient culture as a re-pository of values of harmoniously organized, individual life confor-ming to natural law and society as a whole. Today, this is also mani-fested in the solution of problems related to the food supply of the country, and the improvement of the environmental situation. In re-sponse to the challenges of the environmental problem, China is not
  only contributing to environmentally friendly measures to renew pro-duction created in the years of rapid industrialization, national pro-grams for developing environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also environmental thinking strategies based on global governance, harmony and justice.
  The Institute of Philosophy has prepared for the meeting a portfo-lio of proposals to create a fundamental scientific basis for the study
  and development of Chinese socio-economic and spiritual experience in the Republic of Belarus. Among them is the organization on the basis of the Institute of a special unit for the study and development of the Belarusian-Chinese cultural dialogue. This unit will focus on the philosophical and methodological understanding of Chinese spiritual traditions and world values, Chinese civilization experience, its place and importance in the socio-economic and cultural development of Eastern Europe. Another initiative of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Belarus was related to the development of the concept of agri-
  cultural eco-tourism complex "The Chinese Manor" , and it provides analytical support and methodological support of its activities. The
  objectives of the project were to promote the values of traditional Chi-nese spirituality, philosophy of health and healthy lifestyle, demon-
  stration and study of Chinese national samples of material culture and
  ecological land use techniques to improve regional agroecological de-velopment.
Part Ⅰ The Belt and Road and
the Social Development
Chapter 1 Social Development of China in the Past 40
Years of Reform and Opening Up and
Its Impact on the World
Chapter 2 The Chinese-Belarusian Cooperation in the
Field of Philosophy, Science and Culture:
the Experience of the Decade

Part Ⅱ The Belt and Road and
Win-win Cooperation
Chapter 3 China-Belarus Industrial Park Opens Up a New
Chapter for Bilateral Economic and
Trade Cooperation
Chapter 4 The China-Belarus Industrial Park “Great Stone”as
One of the Main Element of the Development of
Sino-Belarusian Cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 5 Belarusian-Chinese Relations and the
China-Belarus Industrial Park
Part Ⅲ The Belt and Road and Good Life
Part Ⅳ The Belt and Road and Pragmatic Cooperation
Part Ⅴ The Belt and Road and Strengthened People-to-people Ties

