双功能化合物-二氯荧光素二丙烯酸酯的合成与生物活性研究 唐慧安 赵恺寅 王流芳 杨汝栋
稀土茜素黄R配合物的合成、表征及荧光性质 唐慧安 赵恺寅 杨汝栋
流动注射电化学发光分析法测定煤灰中微量轴 杨玲娟
三七素及其异构体的高效液相色谱检测 杨玲娟 焦成瑾 高二全
SiH4与Na、Mg和Be等金属氢化物分子间反向氢键相互作用 袁焜 左国防 刘艳芝 朱元成 刘新文
靶用钉粉的制备 章德玉 雷新有 张建斌
用于溅射靶材的高纯钉粉的制备工艺研究 章德玉 刘伟生
Study of Binary Complexes of Several Transition Metal Ions with D-Naproxen in Methanol-Water Medium by Potentiometry Y.C.ZHU X.N.DONG J.G.WU R.W.DENG
The Study of Binary and Ternary Complexes of Some Transition Metal Tons (Ⅱ) Involving Vitamin B5 and Imidazole in Aqueous by Potentiometry YUAN-CHENG ZHU JI-GUI WU RU-WEN DENG
Electronic Structure of Gold Carbonyl Compounds RAuL (R=CF3, B0, Br, Cl, CH3, HCC, Mes3P, SIDipp; L=CO, N2, BO) and Origins of Aurophilic Interaction in the Clusters [RAuL]n (n=2-4): A Theoretical Study Zhi-Feng Li
Fabrication and Characterization of Tunable Wetability Surface on Copper Substrate by Poly (ionic liquid) Modification via Surface-Initiated Nitroxide -Mediated Radical Polymerization Shijia Long Fei Wan Wu Yang Hao Guo Xiaoyan He Jie Ren Jinzhang Gao
An In -situ Suface Modification Route for Realizing the Synergetic Efect in P3HT-SnO,Composite Sensor and Strikingly Improving Its Sensing Performance Tianyu Zhao Xianwei Fu Xinhang Cui Gang Lian Yang Liu Side Song Kang Wang Qilong Wang Deliang Cui
A study on photo-induced intramolecular electron -transfer in fullerence -benzothiadiazole-triphenylamine using time -dependent density functional theory Huixue Li Sujuan Pan Xiaofeng Wang Zhifeng Li Huian Tang Renhui Zheng
Theoretical Study of the Phosphorescence Spectrum of Tris (2-phenylpyridine) iridium Using the Displaced Harmonie Oscillator Model Xiao-Feng WANG Guo-Fang ZUO Zhi-Feng LI Hui-Xue LI
Basic photophysical analysis of a thermally activated delayed fluorescence copper (Ⅰ) complex in solid state: theoreticalestimations from a polarizable continuum model (PCM) -tuned range-separated density functional approach Lingling Lv Kun Yuan
Theoretical studying of basie photophysical processes in a thermally activated delayed fluorescence copper (Ⅰ) complex: Determination of reverse intersystem crossing and radiative rate contants Lingling Lv Kun Yuan
Three-Dimensional 3D Supramolecular Architectureswith Co Ⅱ lons Assembled from Hydrogen Bonding and π…π Stacking Interactions: Crystal Structures and Antiferomagnetic Properties Chang-Dai Si
Dib Ligand-Dependent Zn Ⅱ and Cd Ⅱ Coordination Polymers from a Semirigid Tricarboxylate Acids:Topological Struetures and Photoluminescence Property Chang-Dai Si
Corannulene-Fullerene C,o Noncovalent Interactions and Their Effect on the Behavior of Charge Transport and Optical Property Yan-Zhi Liu Kun Yuan Yuan-Cheng Zhu Ling -Ling Lv