Chapter 1 Introduction / 001
1.1 Freshwater / 002
1.1.1 Ecology and ecosystem / 002
1.1.2 Remediation / 002
1.1.3 Freshwater ecological remediation / 003
1.2 World freshwater and water distribution / 003
1.3 Freshwater bodies, sources and distributions in China / 009
1.3.1 Freshwater bodies in China / 009
1.3.2 Distribution of freshwater across China / 013
Review questions / 015
Chapter 2 Causes, Effects and Remediation of Freshwater Pollution / 016
2.1 Pollution and contamination in freshwater bodies / 017
2.1.1 Contamination / 017
2.1.2 Pollution / 018
2.1.3 Classification of pollutants / 020
2.1.4 Eutrophication/ Nutrient influence / 022
2.2 Causes of freshwater pollution in China / 023
2.3 Effects of freshwater pollution / 031
2.3.1 Health / 031
2.3.2 Economic / 033
2.3.3 Ecological / 033
2.4 Impacts of freshwater pollution / 035
2.4.1 Climate change / 036
2.4.2 Climate change on lakes / 038
2.5 Importance of remediation in freshwater development / 039
2.5.1 Clean water is important for our health / 039
2.5.2 Water supports our unique ecosystems / 040
2.5.3 Water provides us with food to eat / 040
2.5.4 Water helps people make a living / 040
2.5.5 Water keeps power running / 040
2.5.6 Water for recreation / 041
2.6 Types of remediation used in freshwater pollution control / 041
2.6.1 Physical remediation / 042
2.6.2 Chemical remediation / 042
2.6.3 Bio-remediation / 042
2.7 Freshwater quality parameters / 043
2.7.1 Dissolved oxygen / 045
2.7.2 pH / 046
2.7.3 Temperature / 046
2.7.4 Water density (Thermal stratification) / 047
2.7.5 Water depth / 048
2.7.6 Nutrient levels / 048
2.7.7 Algae concentration (Chl-a), phytoplankton and chlorophyll / 048
2.7.8 Total phosphorus and total Nitrogen / 050
2.7.9 Precipitation / 050
2.7.10 Total dissolved solids / 050
2.7.11 Total suspended solids / 051
2.7.12 Turbidity / 051
Review questions / 052
Chapter 3 Technologies in Freshwater Remediation / 054
3.1 Physical remediation / 055
3.1.1 Pump and treat / 055
3.1.2 Soil vapour extraction and air sparging / 056
3.1.3 Slurping/ Dual-phase extraction / 059
3.1.4 Air stripping / 060
3.1.5 Excavation / 062
3.1.6 Electrical resistance heating (ERH) / 063
3.1.7 Other techniques / 063
3.2 Chemical remediation / 065
3.2.1 In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) / 066
3.2.2 Chemical precipitation remediation / 067
3.2.3 Ion exchange / 070
3.2.4 Chemical immobilization stabilization and solidification / 071
3.2.5 Chemical adsorption / 072
3.2.6 Heterogeneous catalysis / 075
3.2.7 Others / 079
3.3 Biological (Bio-) remediation / 082
3.3.1 Bioremediation of inorganic pollutants / 082
3.3.2 Bioremediation of organic pollutants / 091
3.3.3 Others / 098
Review questions / 101
Chapter 4 Case Studies (Modern technologies) / 102
4.1 Asia / 102
4.1.1 Rice hydroponic biofilter in a pond-scale aquaponics recirculating system (China) / 102
4.1.2 Black / Odorous water (China) / 103
4.1.3 Sponge city (China) / 104
4.1.4 Ecosystem activation system (EAS) (China) / 105
4.1.5 Methane production from wastewater treatment (China) / 107
4.1.6 Water treatment with UV light (Tianjin, Northeast China) / 109
4.1.7 Modern wastewater treatment plant (Qingdao, China) / 109
4.1.8 Erhai Lake, protection and remediation policies (Yunnan Province, China) / 111
4.1.9 Qinghe wastewater treatment plant (Beijing, China) / 113
4.1.10 South-to-North water diversion project (Baiyang Lake,China) / 114
4.1.11 Sediment remediation (China) / 114
4.2 Europe / 116
4.2.1 Smart city (France) / 116
4.2.2 iMetland (Spain) / 117
4.2.3 Advanced membrane technology (Israel) / 120
4.2.4 Advanced nanotechnology / 121
4.2.5 Urine separating process / 122
4.2.6 SaltGae project / 123
4.3 Africa / 125
4.4 America / 126
4.4.1 Micro electrochemical technology METs (USA) / 126
4.4.2 Membrane filtration technologies (USA) / 128
4.4.3 Phytoremediation using Azolla (USA) / 129
4.4.4 Eutrophication and In-Lake remediation treatments (Canada and USA) / 130
4.5 Others / 131
Chapter 5 Future Prospects in Freshwater Ecosystem Management / 132
5.1 Wastewater as a resource / 132
5.2 The relevance of freshwater protection / 134
5.3 Water recreation / 137
5.4 Possible future approach / 139
5.5 Policies and models / 140
5.5.1 Conservation International (CI) “Payment for Ecosystem Services” / 140
5.5.2 World Estuary Alliance (WEA) / 141
5.5.3 The Yangtze Forum/Yangtze Conservation & Development Report / 141
5.5.4 Wetland Conservation Network / 141
5.5.5 Integrated water resource management (IWRM) / 142
5.5.6 China’s new water policy / 144
Abbreviation / 146
References / 149