序言 陈星灿/i
第一章 文物影响评估的基本概念/6
1.1 “评估”在文物保护工作中的应用/6
1.2 “评估”的主要内容/15
1.3 “评估”与保护程序的关系/24
1.4 “影响评估”到“文物影响评估”/31
第二章 境外文物影响评估体系现状研究/39
2.1 评估范围及程序/39
2.2 评估技术框架和内容/64
2.3 评估手段和方法/68
2.4 评估报告/69
第三章 境内文物影响评估体系现状研究/71
3.1 境内相关行业影响评估(预评估)体系现状/71
3.2 我国文物影响评估体系现状/74
第四章 国内外遗址展示利用建设项目现状研究/84
4.1 国外古遗址展示利用的现状/84
4.2 我国古遗址展示利用的现状/108
第五章 古遗址展示利用建设项目评估体系研究/148
5.1 评估工作程序和流程/148
5.2 评估工作等级和范围/151
5.3 评估原则/153
5.4 评估依据/153
5.5 评估内容/155
5.6 评估方法/162
第六章 古遗址展示利用建设项目评估指标研究/165
6.1 设计阶段影响因素/165
6.2 建设阶段影响因素/173
6.3 运营阶段影响因素/175
6.4 评估参考要点及指标/176
第七章 文物影响评估实例研究/184
7.1 牛河梁遗址第二地点保护展示馆/185
7.2 五女山山城展示管理用房和停车场/193
7.3 喇家遗址一号、三号、四号保护展示馆/199
7.4 邢窑遗址博物馆/208
7.5 铜绿山古铜矿遗址博物馆/213
7.6 杜甫草堂遗址保护展示馆/226
7.7 南旺枢纽遗址大运河科技馆/233
7.8 明故宫遗址城市轨道交通项目/238
7.9 良渚遗址公路建设项目/248
7.10 合浦汉墓群保护展示棚/257
第八章 研究总结及思考/267
8.1 研究总结/267
8.2 研究思考/269
附录一 Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Practices in China/272
附录二 Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment(CHIA):Theories and Methods/277
附录三 Impact Assessment of the Road Project Involving the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City/290
Chapter 1 Basic Concept of Cultural Heritage Imapct Assessment/6
1.1 Practices of Assessment on Cultural Heritage Conservation Activities/6
1.2 Main Contents of Assessment/15
1.3 Relationship between Assessment and Conservation/24
1.4 The Development Course of CHIA from Impact Assessment/31
Chapter 2 Studies on Current Systematics of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment in Hong Kong and Abroad/39
2.1 The Scope and Procedures of CHIA/39
2.2 Technical Framework and Contents of CHIA/64
2.3 Methods and Tools for CHIA/68
2.4 Reports of CHIA/69
Chapter 3 Studies on Current Domestic Systematics of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment/71
3.1 Current Systematics of Impact Assessment on Related Industries/71
3.2 Current Systematics of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment/74
Chapter 4 Studies on Current Construction Projects of Display and Utilization for Archaeological Sites/84
4.1 Current Construction Projects of Display and Utilization for Archaeological Sites Abroad/84
4.2 Current Domestic Construction Projects of Display and Utilization for Archaeological Sites/108
Chapter 5 Studies on Systematics of CHIA for Construction Projects of Display and Utilization for Archaeological Sites/148
5.1 Assessment Procedures and Processes/148
5.2 Assessment Grade and Scope/151
5.3 Assessment Principles/153
5.4 Assessment Basis/153
5.5 Assessment Content/155
5.6 Assessment Methods/162
Chapter 6 Studies on Assessment Indicators for Construction Projects of Display and Utilization for Archaeological Sites/165
6.1 Impacting Factors on Design Stage/165
6.2 Impacting Factors on Construction Stage/173
6.3 Impacting Factors on Operation Stage/175
6.4 Assessment Reference Points and Indicators/176
Chapter 7 Studies on Assessment Cases/184
Chapter 8 Summary and Expectation/267
Appendix Ⅰ Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Practices in China/272
Appendix Ⅱ Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment(CHIA):Theories and Methods/277
Appendix Ⅲ Impact Assessment of the Road Project Involving the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City/290