本书为王成荣等著中文版专著《第四次零售革命——流通的变革与重构》之英文版。2013年12月王成荣教授首次提出 “第四次零售革命”概念,他认为继公认的以百货商店、连锁商店和超级市场出现为标志的三次零售革命之后,我们正在迎来“第四次零售革命”。第四次零售革命很难用一种新的零售业态来标识,它不仅推动了零售新业态的诞生,而且远远chaoyue了这一层次,渗透到零售每一个细胞中,推动了每一种传统零售业态的变革,是一次零售全业态、全渠道的革命。由于此次零售革命是由经济危机、跨界竞争和技术革命同时引发的,动力强劲,影响深度与广度今非昔比。《第四次零售革命——流通的变革与重构》一书在国内首次系统研究了“第四次零售革命”的理论,全书共分十章,从零售革命的机遇与挑战、零售革命与互联网思维、信息技术与大数据、传统零售创新、金融创新等角度对“第四次零售革命”的产生、发展、趋势等进行了较全面深入的研究。
III Contents
Preface 4
Chapter Ⅰ Opportunities and Challenges of the Retail Revolution 7
1. Ushering in the Fourth Retail Revolution 7
2. The Motivation of the Fourth Retail Revolution. 16
3. The Impact of the Fourth Retail Revolution 26
4. The Evolution and Deepening of the Fourth Retail Revolution—Smart Retail 31
5. Rising to the Fourth Retail Revolution 39
6. Leap from Traditional Retail to Intelligent Retail 43
Chapter II The Fourth Retail Revolution and Cloud Consumption 45
1. Three Characteristics of Cloud Consumption 45
2. Cloud Consumption: With Consumer Demand as Its Core 70
3. The Mainstream Consumption Pattern in Cloud Consumption 74
Chapter III The Fourth Retail Revolution and Internet Thinking 83
1. Internet Thinking 83
2. The Internet Thinking Practice of Xiaomi 89
3. The Innovation and Reform of Retail Enterprises under the Influence of Internet Thinking 93
Chapter IV Information Technology and Big Data in the Fourth Retail Revolution 100
1. Information Technology in Traditional Retail Industry 100
2. The Development of Information Technology 102
3. Big Data 118
Chapter V O2O (Online to offline) Business Model in the Fourth Retail Revolution 125
1. The Rise of Online Retail and its Development Limitations 125
2. The Creation of O2O Model and Its Operating System 127
3. The O2O model of Suning.com Co., Ltd 133
4. JD.com: From Exploring O2O to Practicing Boundless Retail 137
5. O2O model: the direction of the future retailing 145
Chapter VI The Fourth Retail Revolution and Logistics Innovation 146
1. Innovation of the Logistics System in the Era of Retail Revolution 146
2. The Intelligentization and Electronization of Logistics 156
3. The Future Trends of Retail and Logistics Industry 158
Chapter VII The Fourth Retail Revolution and Financial Innovation 161
1. The Interaction Between Retail Revolution and Financial Innovation 161
2. Supply Chain Finance: JD.com 164
3. Create an Open Ecosystem, Provide Inclusive Financial Services—Take Ant Financial Service as an Example 174
Chapter VIII The Fourth Retail Revolution and Tourism Innovation 181
1. The Development of the Tourism 181
2. The Upgrade and Innovation of Tourism Products 186
3. The Innovation of Tourism Marketing Model 187
4. The Innovation of Tourism Enterprises 188
Chapter IX The Fourth Retail Revolution and Innovation of Retail Advertising Model 191
1. The Development, Status Quo and Driving Forces of the Retail Advertising Model 191
2. The Reform of the Retail Advertising Model 208
3. The Trend of Retail Advertising Model 220