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  Persons with disabilities are equal members of the human family. It is a bounden duty of the state and an essential re-quirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics to respect and protect their human rights and dignity, and to offer them equal opportunities to participate in social life and enjoy the fruits of the country's material and cultural progress on an equal footing.
  China now has a population of 85 million persons with dis-abilities. Over the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, and especially in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Com-munist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have always put the people first and provided care for the group with special difficulties. China respects the wishes ofthose with dis-abilities, protects their rights, attaches importance to their par-ticipation in social life, grants them real civil rights, and makes them participants in, contributors to, and beneficiaries of our social and economic development.
  Rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities have gradually improved. Starting from scratch, rehabilitation in-stitutions for persons with disabilities have developed a team of professionals, established a work system, business structure and operational mechanism, and improved their service capa-bilities. By 2018, 914 rehabilitation facilities at provincial, mu-nicipal and county levels -had been completed, with a total fioor area of 3.4 million sq m. There were 9,036 rehabilitation insti-tutions for persons with disabilities, which employed 250,000 people, and 2,750 counties (cities or districts) offered commu-nity rehabilitation services. Rehabilitation institutions, which used to provide services only for cataract patients, post-polio patients, and hearing-impaired children, have evolved into to a multi-disciplinary service system with equal emphasis on pre-vention and rehabilitation that meets the needs of a wide range ofpeople with disabilities.
  In 2018, 621 secondary and higher vocational technical schools and regular colleges and universities began to offer degree programs on rehabilitation services, with 29,334 grad-uates. To train more rehabilitation professionals, preparatory work has officially started for China Rehabilitation University,which is included in the 13th Five-year Plan for National Eco-nomic and Social Development and the "Outline for Accelerat-ing the Process Toward Prosperity for Persons with Disabilities in the 13th Five-year Plan Period".
  Vigorous efforts are being made to offer community reha-bilitation services and enhance the service capacity. By 2018,1,001 municipal districts and 1,749 counties (cities) were of-fering community rehabilitation services, employing 478,000 community rehabilitation coordinators. A rehabilitation and assistance system for children with disabilities has been estab-lished, providing institutional guarantee for these children to receive basic rehabilitation assistance. A system subsidizing as-sistive devices for persons with disabilities has been established in nine provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, reducing the financial burden on families with disabled members. A campaign has been launched to offer targeted rehabilitation services, such as rehabilitation therapy, rehabilitation training, support services,and assistive devices, to disabled children and those with cer-tified disabilities. The MOST encourages the R&D of productsthat help and benefit persons with disabilities. It has carried out R&D programs on rehabilitation aids and repair materials for artificial tissues and organs, with a focus on two key projects -"active health and technological response to aging" and "R&D of biomedical materials and repair and replacement of tissues and organs". The rehabilitation system for work-related injuries has been improved, and pensions for injuries and disabilities have been enhanced.
Ⅰ.Development ofthe Cause ofPersons with Disabilities
Ⅱ.Mechanisms for the Protection of Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities
Ⅲ.Health and Rehabilitation
Ⅳ.Special Education and Inclusive Education
Ⅴ.Employment and Entrepreneurship
Ⅵ.Basic Life and Social Security
Ⅶ.Creating an Accessible Environment and Enabling Mobility
Ⅷ.Personal Freedom and Non-Discrimination
Ⅸ.Creating a Good Social Environment
Ⅹ.International Exchanges and Cooperation

