尹家城 丁公 两城镇——山东大学田野考古理念发展的心路历程 栾丰实 (1)
公元前第三千纪中国东部的太阳神——大汶口文化、良渚文化图形符号新考 宋建 (15)
考古新发现所见山东地区新石器文化的起源与发展 孙波 (37)
环太湖东部地区马家浜文化的分期和年代 王永磊 (50)
偏堡文化与周边文化的交流 张翠敏 (82)
图案于社会之中——再析上古时代的“兽面”母题 郭明建 (101)
北京琉璃河西周燕国墓地出土宝玉石器研究 杜金鹏 (114)
商人服象与象之分布 王 祁 (134)
论燕下都战国大墓的埋葬特点——与齐国战国大墓等比较 印群 (144)
东周时期男尊女卑制度化的生物考古证据 董豫 Kate Pechenkina 樊温泉 (162)
也谈辉县赵固区刻纹铜鉴的射礼画像 王传明 姚娟娟 (174)
君有远行镜铭文释解 张昀 (182)
北魏六镇三题 张文平 (189)
孝堂山石祠北魏二题记考论 刘文涛 李宝垒 (200)
墓与塔——南北朝丧葬礼俗的新变化 宋丙玲 (206)
试析山东地区所出金银饮食器具 乔卓俊 (221)
文物的逝去 徐龙国 (229)
大汶口文化时期贝丘遗址生业方式试析——北阡遗址人骨跪距面的启示 樊榕 赵永生 王芬 宋艳波 栾丰实 靳桂云 林玉海 (239)
山东滕州官桥村南遗址出土动物研究报告 宋艳波 李慧 范宪军 武昊 陈松涛 靳桂云 (251)
大连王家村遗址出土陶器印痕分析 小田弘己 王强 齐藤希 宫本一夫 栾丰实 (261)
两城镇的龙山文化城址和环壕 栾丰实 (274)
河北柏乡县赵村遗址2015 年发掘简报 河北省邢台市柏乡县文物保管所 山东大学历史文化学院(288)
河北邢台赵村遗址动物遗存鉴定报告 王红英 王华 耿晓宁 (322)
Yinjiacheng, Dinggong and Liangchengzhen: The Development of the Idea of Field Archaeology in Shandong University Luan Fengshi (14)
The Sun God of Eastern China in the 3rd Millennium BC: New Research on Figures of Dawenkou Culture and Liangzhu Culture Song Jian (35)
The Origin and Development of Neolithic Culture in Shandong Area from New Archaeological Discovery Sun Bo (49)
Staging and Chronology of Majiatun Culture in the Eastern Part of Taihu Lake Wang Yonglei (80)
The Interaction between Pianpu Culture and Surrounding Culture Zhang Cuimin (100)
Pattern in Society: Reanalysis on“ Animal face” Motif in Pre-Qin Period Guo Mingjian (113)
A Study on the Gemstones and Jades Unearthed from the Liulihe Cemetery of Yan State in Western Zhou in Beijing Du Jinpeng (133)
Domestication and Distribution of Elephants in the Shang Dynasty Wang Qi (143)
On the Burial Characteristics of the Great Tombs in the Warring States Period in Yanxiadu: Compared with the Great Tombs of Qi State and the Other at That Time Yin Qun (160)
Bioarchaeological Evidences of Institutionalized Gender Inequality during Eastern Zhou Dong Yu Kate Pechenkina Fan Wenquan (172)
On the Image of the Shooting Ceremony Carved on the Bronze Jian from the Zhaogu District of Hui County Wang Chuanming Yao Juanjuan (181)
The Interpretation of Han Mirror“Jun You Yuan Xing” Zhang Yun (188)
Re-examination of Six Towns in Northern Wei Dynasty Zhang Wenping (199)
A Textual Research on Two Inscriptions of Xiaotangshan Stone Temple in Northern Wei Dynasty Liu Wentao Li Baolei (204)
Tombs and Pagodas: New Changes in Funeral Customs in the Southern and Northern Dynasties Song Bingling (219)
Analysis of Gold and Silver Eating Utensils Unearthed in Shandong Qiao Zhuojun (228)
Loss of Cultural Relics Xu Longguo (238)
Subsistence Strategies of a Coastal Shellmidden Site during the Dawenkou Period-Indicators from the Kneeling Facets at the Beiqian Site Fan Rong Zhao Yongsheng Wang Fen Song Yanbo Luan Fengshi Jin Guiyun Lin Yuhai (250)
Faunal Remains Analysis of Guanqiao Village, Tengzhou, Shandong Province Song Yanbo Li Hui Fan Xianjun Wu Hao Chen Songtao Jin Guiyun (260)
Analysis of Pottery Impressions Unearthed from Wangjiacun Site Hiroki Obata Wang Qiang SAITOU Nozomi Miyamoto Kazuo Luan Fengshi (273)
Longshan Cultural City Site and Trench in Liangchengzhen Luan Fengshi (287)
A Brief Report of the Excavation on Zhaocun Site in 2015 Baixiang County Antiquity Preservation Office, Hebei Province and Culture,Shandong University (321)
The Faunal Remains Report of ZhaoCun Site, XingTai,HeBei Wang Hongying Wang Hua Geng Xiaoning (336)