袁复礼新疆出土文书未刊稿研究 刘卫东 刘子凡(1)
黄文弼地图与欧洲探险队地图——兼及黄文弼所藏地图调查报告 西村阳子 北本朝展 撰;田卫卫 译(19)
黄文弼拓藏《甘泉志》考论 许佩铃(49)
从出土的管流器看新疆与中亚地区的文化联系 林铃梅(71)
和田地区早期佛陀像样式研究 贾应逸(95)
敦煌莫高窟观音菩萨与诸神众组合图像考释 陈菊霞 马兆民(109)
月氏五翖侯傅鹤里 撰;庆昭蓉 译(123)
阿诃邻都思源流考马小鹤 邵符默(183)
唐代过所与公验刍议——兼论过所与唐代流动人口的管理与掌控 赵 洋(243)
8世纪至9世纪初吐蕃对西域的经略 沈 琛(257)
道里与地物——庭州凭落蒲类二镇与盐泉特罗堡子地望新考 王长命(273)
古代蒙古研究的新资料——读《中国藏黑水城民族文字文献》 刘曙梅(289)
民国时期吐鲁番《三堡麦户地亩碑》考 张永兵(317)
走进失去的家园——罗布泊地区考察日记摘选 李吟屏(327)
《西域文史》第十四辑著译者单位及文章索引 (357)
《西域文史》简介与稿约 (358)
Two Unpublished Works of P. L. YUAN on Manuscripts Excavated in Xinjiang Liu Weidong & Liu Zifan(1)
Huang Wenbi’s Maps and the European Expeditions’ Maps: Report on the Survey at the Huang Wenbi Map Collection Nishimura Yoko & Kitamoto Asanobu (tr. by Tian Weiwei)(19)
The Rubbing of an Inscription Ganquan Zhi in Huang Wenbi’s Collection Xu Peiling(49)
On the Potteries with Tube Shape Spouts: an Example of the Cultural Connection between Xinjiang and Central AsiaLin Lingmei(71)
The Buddha Statues Style of Early Period in KhotanJia Yingyi(95)
Images of the Combination of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Various Deities in the Mogao Grottoes of DunhuangChen Juxia & Ma Zhaomin(109)
The Five Yabghus of the YuezhiHarry Falk (tr. by Ching Chao-jung)(123)
Arhant in ManichaeismMa Xiaohe & Mohammad Shokri-Foumeshi(183)
An Annotated Translation of the Prophecy of Go gaZhu Lishuang(195)
On Guosuo (过所) and Gongyan (公验) in the Tang Dynasty: with a Discussion on the Management and Control of the Floating Population in the Tang Dynasty Zhao Yang(243)
The Wars Launched by the Tibetans in the Western Regions from 8th Century to Early 9th CenturyShen Chen(257)
Distance and Planimetric Features: Geographical Investigation on the Fortresses Xan bagrag, Pulei and the Salt Spring and Telo in the Prefecture of Tingzhou Wang Changming(273)
New Documents for Ancient Mongolian Studies: On The Qara Qoto Documents in Ethnic Characters Kept in ChinaLiu Shumei(289)
Notes on the Months names in the Mongol Natural CalendarTemur Temule(305)
On the Stele of the Area of Wheat Field in Sanpu of Turpan in the Republican Period Zhang Yongbing(317)
Walking into the Lost Homeland: Excerpt of the Investigation Diary of Lop Nor Li Yinping(327)
Contributors (357)
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions (359)