4.0.1 For general planning, it shall consider characteristics of the river basin and its status-quo of development, harnessing, protection and management, to study and determine the guideline and basic principles for river basin harnessing, development, protection and management, based on the analysis and summary of existing learning and problems identified; to research and determine guideline and basic principles, to propose objectives and corresponding control indexes of river basin development, harnessing, protection and management;to clarify main tasks and general layout with focusing on theestablishment of flood control, droughts relief and disaster mitigation system, water resources allocation and efficient utilization system,water resources and river or lake health protection system as well as water resource science development mechanism and regulation sys-tem.
4.0.2 The guideline and basic principles of river basin development,harnessing, protection and management shall focus on reality of river basin and regions, define the basic policies, principles and key relationships of river basin development, harnessing, protection and management, according to the requirements for supporting sustainable soao-economic development, and the demand for combining benefit
promotion and damage reduction, equal stressing on disaster prevention and mitigation, unification of development with protection,
balancing temporary and permanent solutions, and harmonizing main stream and tributaries.
4.0.3 The general objective of river basin development, harnessing,
protection and management shall be determined according to priority of development, harnessing and protection tasks, comprehensively considering all conditions for different target years.
4.0.4 For general planning, three types of control indexes shall be studied and determined, including flood control and disaster mitigation, water resources development and utilization, as well as water resources protection,Control indexes of water ecological protection and soil and water conservation may also be proposed in ac-cordance with the actual situation and the needs of different river basins. The proposed control indexes shall be in accordance with the defined general objectives of river basin development, harnessing,protection and management, and satisfy demands raised from strict control and management of rivers, lakes, water resources and water eco-environment as well as river basin and region safety in flood control, water supply and hydroecology.
4.0.5 For general planning, development and protection zoning of river reaches may be studied, and functional zoning of rivers and lakes and functional localization of rivers or river reaches should be determined, in accordance with the requirements of the national strategy for the application of the main functional zones.Tasks of river basin development, harnessing, protection and management shall be determined by synthesizing the main functional zone plan,land use plan and functional orientation of rivers or river reaches.Tasks of river reaches development, harnessing and protection and general requirements of integrated river basin management shall be clarified. Roles of important water projects affecting the overall situation of river basin shall also be clarified.